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Image Comments posted by dominikazielinska

  1. Hi Blagoy - thank you for your input - I think that it looks good, I might try doing it so that I can see it a little larger... it's probably the most successful night shot that I have had so far of the night sky ;o)



    Please tell me what your thoughts are on this photo. I'm learning

    to take party shots but I would like some advice on what the best

    type of film would be to use without having to use flash. comments

    appreciated... thank you ;o)

  2. I love this and I tried rating it and it just did not wanna work??!! i love the models (hehe) the colour, the whole atmosphere, great job ;o) Was this done on digital or film? I'm trying to take party shots but they just don't turn out like this...

    Flower blue

    Thank you Maarten, I would like to know why the ratings are so low - I'm guessing that it could be because of all the blur in the background? It's still one of my favourites and my current screen saver...
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