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Image Comments posted by belvin

  1. Minutes before sunset, from the South end of the Dunes which though

    lower seems to be the best chance for a good photo. To me the color

    version was very monochrome so I converted to BW. Thanks for your

    comments and ratings.

    Fay Glacier

    Shot with a Canon 1Ds and the new 70-300 DO lens. I don't love the lens but I am willing to hike/backpack with it whereas the 70-200 2.8IS was too heavy. I've spent more time in Photoshop on this picture than its worth, mostly as an experiment to see what I could do with a picture which in Color left a lot to be desired.

    Fay Glacier

    Thanks for the comment, the blown out areas definitely fixable, the original (which is quite uniteresting in color) has more detail in the snow than shown here. I'll look into fixing this and will repost if the result is noticeably better.

    Rawson Lake

    Thanks I didn't notice that it wan't level, will fix in Photoshop. Will try other crops but its going to be hard to move the center without changing everything
  2. thanks for the comment, the saturation was adjusted using fred mirandas digital velvia "medium" ,otherwise pretty much as shot. As I remember it the lake's color is close to what is shown, perhaps a little more milky though.



    Shot near the old paria movie set in Utah at Sunset. The colors in

    the Chinle rock are better brought out midday but then you don't get

    the shadows. Thanks for you comments/ratings.

  3. To get to the Wave you need to get a permit from the BLM, look up Coyote Buttes on the net and you will find the site to use to get a permit, which are hard to get. The Second wave is about .3 miles South of the Wave. The BLM can provide GPS coordinates to the Wave but will not tell you how to get to the second wave. House Rock Road is in Utah near milepost 26 on US 89, about 35 miles from Page.

    Mexico Plum Tree

    Beautiful color and detail, the only thing I don't like is the branch in the lower right which I'd get rid of somehow (clone, crop, rotate,transform, ...) I think this picture is way underrated.
  4. Thanks, you may be right, I usually don't like square format pictures but maybe it works here. I have some landscape versions without the branches, I will post one for critique in a few days.
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