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Posts posted by andreas_holmstr_m

  1. OK, I know! I'm officially spamming!


    But! You know the rangetest I did yesterday at 1 meter? Now I got 101cm From the target (Tape on wall with small stripes of black ink made with ruler) when the lens was at 1m. A change of 3cm, In the right direction. I can't think I will notice this 1cm at F2 when most of my shots are taken on city streets.


    Do you?

  2. OK, I've got it. The whole thing looks simple enough, but the Screw is really thight. I don't want to force it. It won't budge. Should it have a high resistance?


    Or are you however talking about one of the inner screws. I see 3 screws inside related to the coupling arm.


    I'm pretty used to fiddling with small stuff, I have built models all my life, and I'm maybe too careful?

  3. Well actually I can find it, I've got it on my camera that's in my lap.


    However, I can't find one looking like it...


    On the Lens it says:


    LEITZ WETZLAR 2330962 SUMMICRON 1:2/50




    Really nice looking, I would have to say A- or near mint.


    Foucuses from 0,7m. It is Black. Has a front diameter of 39mm.



  4. I love the Leica forum. I think the answers here are of the highest quality of all the forums on photo.net.


    Thank you all for this!


    I was just out shooting a few frames while walking my dog. I took on a subject I often shoot. Doors. Or entrances to buildings. Here I really apreciated the matter of having a bigger viewfinder than the recorded picture itself.

  5. Hi guys!


    Yet another question from me. At a Leica FAQ page I found a post saying that

    you can adjust the focusing yourself.


    And actually I believe the focusing is a bit off, this is noticable since, I

    can't get very far objects to focus.


    How do I do this? Something about simply turning a screw.





  6. Thanks Paul!


    OK, so I have the standard .72.


    But I remember the M6TTL that I tried in a shop to have been a bit bigger in terms of the physical size of the viewfinder... Or am I delusional?


    Are these Magnifications interchangeable? Or if I would like to get a .85 at some point my only option is to get a different camera house?

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