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Posts posted by andreas_holmstr_m

  1. Paul, we don't have Fjords like the ones in Norway. Finland is a pretty flat country due to the Ice age. But we do have aprox. 200.000 lakes!


    Helsinki can be a very cousy city, but right now, it's freezing with the autumn storms blowing all photo ambitions away:(.


    Is'nt the world a small place? I've been in L.A. twice. Stayed at the Universal Hilton and The Biltmore.

  2. IMHO the Leica M8 is pretty affordable. around 4000euros new. Compare it to Canon and Nikon top-notch digital SLR prices... And wich would you rather get?


    Like any digital camera the M8 will probably loos atleast 30% from the New price after one year in service. And I do believe that now when they have to body, updating it with better/bigger sensors, faster processors and better software is rather easy. I expect new versions introduced rather frequently.

  3. Thanks for the pictures and aswers! (Feel free to post more!)


    The lens looks to be a decent performer to say the least.


    Now I'll have to track one down. In Finland (pronounce CanonLand) there's not alot of "different" camera equipment floating around, altough we're the Land of the Thousand lakes. (Some 200.000):)

  4. Thank you Paul!


    Yes, I will. I'm going to enlarge my first rolls this weekend (hopefully).


    And since I'm been very much into digital last few years, I don't have a scanner. (Sold the old one years ago) But I'll try and hunt down a reasonably good film scanner.

  5. Hi guys!


    Got my 90mm lens today.


    Currently have 3 Summicrons, 35mm, 50mm and 90mm.


    The Leica 21mm is pricey to say the least, but Voigtl䮤er is dirt cheap!


    Have you got sample images taken with this glass? I can imagine that many of

    you have this lens!


    Also interesting is the Voigtl䮤er 28mm, 25mm, 15mm and 12mm.



  6. Yeah, I'm starting to think so too:)!


    The lens felt really good, and altough I could have gotten a Tele-Elmarit 90mm f2.8 for around 250euros, I think this was a much better buy. The Elmarit would have been smaller and lighter, but this one felt better in the hand. And don't you just love that "NEW-feel"?!

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