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Posts posted by ryan_mcintosh

  1. Well...I still recommend a Calumet over a Speed Graphic and such. I still use a Speed Graphic, but I would not recommend it because you want to get a camera with FULL movments (which graphics dont have) and also longer bellow extention, and room to fit a larger or smaller lens on if you choice. The smallest you can fit on a graphic is a 90mm, and I had a 75mm I wanted to use, also I have a 300mm I wanted to use...and it would not fit on the graphic.


    I have experimented with lens such as Kodak Ektars and Wollensak Lens, and find them to be nice quality when stopped down. If your going to save a few hundred on a camera...invest it in a good lens that is sharp, and a shutter that is clean and can be stopped down further then 32 hopefully.

  2. I recommend tray development buy using inspection. You have the most control over your film. go to www.michaelandpaula.com to read about it under there "AZO" forom. Also...check out AZO if you have not already, its the best black and white paper in the whole WORLD to print large negatives on.
  3. I too would recommend a Calumet 4x5 view camera off Ebay. You could get one of the top of the line Calumet Monorail cameras off ebay in mint condition for under 250 bucks! Invest in a good lens, because that is what matters the most.


    Benders are a neat idea, but they have too much play in them and wobble, so I dont really recommend them.


    Large Format photography stuff on Ebay is super cheep and its just getting cheeper as times goes on because so many people are going digital. I want to say a huge congradulations, thank you, and just welcome you to the world of Large Format photography, I truly think you will like how much control and creativity and clarity of your pictures you have. Its always good to see there is still people still getting into large format. Very good!

  4. Im in what is supposed to be a "Advanced Black And White" Photography class, well its funny now nearly 2/3rds of the class ALL DOES DAMN DIGITAL! I MEAN! CMON PEOPLE! All you photographer that I have changed from working hard in the darkroom to create a hand crafted print...to now sitting your butt down in a chair and moving a little mouse around... MAKES ME UPSET! Its REALLY hurting is photographer that use film! and I use Ilford Delta 100 in 8x10 size...that is something that is getting hard to find! NO WAY am I changing film eaither, if it comes down to it I will buy 10000 boxes of it and deep freeze it. Maybe I should buy those boxes anyways just to show Ilford that people still NEED there product!
  5. Try to find a old Gitzo tripod on Ebay. I been using them for years and they are FAR better then the Bogen tripods I have used and many others. I even use the tripod for 8x10 sometimes. You can get a GREAT used older tripod for under 100 bucks for sure.
  6. I have several old lens for my 4x5 and 8x10 camera, but NONE OF THEM

    HAVE MOUNTING RETAINER RINGS! I have a Wollensak 90mm which takes a

    1 1/8" mounting ring, then also a Wollensak 190mm which I think

    measures about 2".


    I have tried everywhere from Ebay, to hardware stores, to autopart

    stores, and of course camera stores...and CANT FIND ANY!


    Any advice?! Thanks!

  7. I have a Wollensak 7 1/2" 190mm lens. Will that cover 8x10? I currently use it on my 4x5 camera, but now that I got into 8x10...I need a lens and would prefer something that is more wide angle.


    I also have someone willing to sell me a 8?" (215mm) f4.8 Ilex Acuton in Bo.3 Acme Synchro shutter. How will that cover a 8x10?


    I really dont understand how someone can use a 75mm lens or 110mm lens, when I have tried to use even a 75mm on my 4x5 camera...and it wont cover! How is it possible that such a small lens..will even cover that?!


    Maybe I dont understand lens well. I thought the smaller the focal legnth, the smaller area of coverage.

  8. I was photographing on the Indian Rez. a few months ago, and a rez cop came up to me and told me I had to give him my 8x10 camera and all my film to be destroyed because being a "Professional photographer" like the guy KNEW I was (when im really just a student), no pictures were aloud to be taken of the rez by a pro photographer.


    I did not give the guy my camera or film or ANYTHING. He then took down my name, and said I would be contacted by a lawer because he was going to sue me for the pictures I was taking


    He never did. haha.


    When someone just normal comes up to me when using my 8x10, I love to explain to them what it is, what it does and why. Im a total people person and love to chitchat with people I dont know. Its fun and I may make a potential print buyer or friend.

  9. I took this show in HIGH winds, I had to do a few second exposer at f22 to get the flower clear and the mountain clear too. You just have to wait for that second for the wind to stop. Sorry the picture is not sharp, I just used my webcam to take a snapshot of my matted print.
  10. You could maybe front tilt abit to the right toward the flower to bring that in more, but the background would not change for the better. I would really just say its a depth of field issue and stopping down would be a good idea to get the flowers and background more in focus. Maybe just go out on a not windy day, same lighting that you like for the scene and stop down. I think the most exposer needed would be no more then 1-2 seconds at f.32. Just sit down for a abit and wait till that exact second when the wind dies just for that few seconds. Goodluck
  11. I just recently got a older (20 years about) Calumet 8x10 monorail

    camera with square rail and it has the 4 silver post that the front

    and back standard hold on too. I bought a Cambo 6x6 lens board for

    it that they SAID would work, BUT IT DOES NOT FIT! Its too small!

    Can someone please help me out with getting a lens board, I believe

    it would be about 6 3/8" size after measuring it. Please can someone

    help me with getting a cheep cost on a good lens board or can

    recommend something. THanks<div>008ZFU-18404184.jpg.0039270c90d7f0faba5a58c4bf47710d.jpg</div>

  12. I have been shotting 4x5 format for several years now. I have ALWAYS used Ilford 100 or 125 and just recently I decided to use some Arista 400 film. To give you my honest opinion THE FILM IS AWFUL! I bought it to save a few bucks.....I will never make that mistake in my life! After developing the film my negatives eaither came out very MUDDY and dull, so I tray develop to get more contrast and they still come out muddy and dull contrast. The second box I had to shot all of them come out VERY uneven! I shot mainy large landscapes and print 16x20 and 20x24 and when I tried to make a print from some of the negatives that seems moderate the skies in the print was sooooooooooo uneven and blotchy!


    I think Arista uses cheep emotion, and they spread it on the film uneven. I guess this is why the film is so cheep and only FreeStyle sells it.


    Im back to using my Ilford now, and thats the last time I try to save that 5 bucks.

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