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Renato Tonelli

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Posts posted by Renato Tonelli

  1. I've been using Ilfochrome of late. If the transparency is not very contrasty, you will get incredible looking prints: they are absolutely unique. It takes a little time and effort to get started, the materials are very expensive but well worth it for some of us. I've printed both digital and Ilfochrome; for that special image, I prefer Ilfochrome. The prints are so deeply rich that nothing compares to them - they're simply different. The book recommended above is very helpful, by the way. Good luck.
  2. What developer have any of you tried and are happy with for Tri-X 4x5 in a Jobo

    ATL1500 processor?


    I have been using HC110 for developing my 4x5 TriX in the past (HP Combi Tank)

    but I will now be using a Jobo ATL1500 which maintains a temperature of 24C/75F.

    At that temperature, the developing time is extremely short and it's not even

    listed as a developing program option.


    What's important to me is good grain/sharpness and a smooth tonal range. I will

    be doing some testing with the usual suspects (X-tol, D-76) but it would be very

    helpful to learn of your experiences and advice.


  3. I have been looking for the same filters in glass instead of Cokin's resin which are quite delicate when it comes to scratches, etc. The only option I found is to buy Tiffen filters and have them custom cut and its edges filed so that they will fit in Cokin's filter holder. It's an expensive option and I have "opted" out.
  4. I have been wanting to hike with my 4x5 as well but was always reluctant to try it beacuse of the weight. I am 5'10" (180cm) and weigh just under 140 lbs.

    I have two very specific questions: how do you physically prepare yourself to carry such a load (about half your weigth) and what food and food gear do you pack. This is not mere curiosity.


    Thanks and regards.

  5. No, Italy will win the World Cup.


    BTW - I'm sick of this film doom thread. Yesterday I saw an excellent "film", at Lincoln

    Center in New York City, shot on High Def. Digital Video but the image was not as good as

    it could have been: not fuzzy but not really sharp either (mind you that this is a large

    theatrical screen). The colors were not saturated and there was much color bleeding. The

    look of the image bothered me and I was not alone. During the question and answer

    period with the director, it was ascertained that he did indeed shoot it on High Def. Digital

    Video. He talked of his next production and someone asked if he would shoot it on video

    as well; no, he said - his next film would be shot on motion picture film. Applause from

    the audience. Even people who should know better (directors, producers,

    cinematographers) fall for the digital age advertising and super hype. In some formats

    there simply is no contest. Film producers/directors come to me with their projects and

    announce that they want to shoot on digital video (high def or not), for no good reason

    other than jumping on the digital bandwagon, and ask what equipment/gadgets I will

    need to make their production look like film. My answer is always the same: shoot it on

    film. Why kid (or b.s.) anyone: each material has its pros and cons, advantages and



    OK, so maybe Brazil will win the World cup, again...

  6. I have been making (New York City) a large run of 16x20 ilfochromes from 4x5 transparencies for the past two weeks using the CA40 processor. I had forgotten just what a beautiful print material Ilfochrome is. Next week I will start on the 11x14 but with the Durst Printo (dry to dry advantage). I hope demand for the materials keeps up so that the will continue to make it.
  7. Dear Friends - my yearly trip to my hometown (Pontremoli - Tuscany) is upon me and... I

    just heard that the nearest photo supply store in Massa no longer carries chemicals. Does

    anyone know of a business in Italy that would ship B&W chemicals? An internet search

    proved useless. There used to be a mail-order busness in Treviso bu I can no longer find

    it. Thank you in advance.

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