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chris hughes

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Image Comments posted by chris hughes

    "Life From Death"

    I really like the way tha the mushrooms give the image a twisting element to the composition. The way that they get smaller as they recede into the frame is very nice. They make what would be a pretty standart snap shot into something much more interesting.


    I think I would like this one better without the drawing. The natural elements are much more interesting to me as simple abstracts.


    Not a bad portrait. Seems a little unsharp though and the highlights are a tad blown. Good approach to the composition and nice expressions of their faces.
  1. I tried a few with my old D70 last year but didn't dig the result much. Now that I have a D200 I'm going to go give some of them another try. The bulk of my neon shots (only a couple of which are on Photo.net) were shot with Velvia 50 so you can imagine that there's a pretty big qualitative difference between them and my digital versions. However, since the D200 goes down to ISO 100 and has superior rendering of red values to the D70 I'm thinking that I can get better results now.


    Once the weather warms up a little bit here in Oregon I'll be back out to re-shoot this and other signs. I'll post the results when I do!


    Thanks for the comment!


    Very nice action shot with so much texture and color! I love the leaf. It almost looks like a caterpiller. The only thing I'd change is to reframe a little to the right to get the whole flower into the image.5/5


    Interesting shot. I think the angle is good but there's something missing. Maybe the model's expression isn't connecting with me? 4/5


    I'm giving it a 4/4. I see what you're going for here but it doesn't come together to my eye. There's something lacking. Maybe take the sun glasses off of her so we can see her eyes? Her outfit seems a little drab too.
  2. Interesting effect for sure. I think it makes the rocks a little more dramatic. The sky suffers a little though. Maybe mask out the sky and leave its saturation as is, then boost just the rocks and water? But hey, that's just how my eye sees it.



    Personally, I like the other version better. Throwing the focus on the single can raises the piece's concept to a more refined level.


    Have you played with a LensBaby? This would be an excellent subject to try with that.

    H O P E I I

    No problem. My pet peeve here is people who rate without adding commentary. The whole idea of the site is to help each other become better photographers. Simply clicking the number buttons and moving on doesn't really do anyone any good.


    Try a VERY light application of the Highlight/Shadow filter. It's under the Image > Adjustments menu. Like the Nikon D200 that I shoot, the Canon 20D can capture more detail in the shadows than you may be aware of until you start delving into more post processing. Bringing up the shadow may reveal details that help enhance the image. But be careful. If you apply too much of the Highlight/Shadow filter you'll start to get edge artifacts around the bright objects. Play with it a little and you'll see what I mean.
  3. I think you make an excellent case for this shot. As a graphic designer, I have to defend my work all the time and I really respect an artist who knows how to articulate what they were after in the creative process. Reading your reply to my critique really makes me re-evaluate the piece. I can see now exactly what you mean about a kind of "home video" look. Nicely done.

    Misty morning

    I'd like this one better if there was a little more contrast. I know that you're trying to go for the atmospherics but it looks washed out to me. I don't get the mood as much as I should.


    Not a bad night exposure but there isn't much going on in this image. I'd prefer to see some more thematic interest. Maybe shoot closer to a city or near an onramp?
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