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chris hughes

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Image Comments posted by chris hughes


    Nice. It's kind of a day for night looking image. I like how the building peeks up from behind the trees. The crop and composition seem dead on to me. I love the dramatic clouds. The blue tinting may be a bit much, it might look better in pure black and white but that's really an artistic call. No objective reason not to use the blue. It would be nice to see a larger version of the file than what you uploaded here too...
  1. I like this one. The composition is good, she seems to be pushing the edges of the frame out along with the curtains. I like how the blown out window makes her like a cutout of black in the frame.

    Loves Kiss

    Not bad but I wish there was more detail in the figures. There's enough there that I don't feel like you were going for a completely blacked out silhouette but not enough to really see the expressions on the people.
  2. Cool photo-journalistic shot. You captured a moment that's very suggestive. One wants to see what happened just a few seconds later. The only thing I see wrong is that it's a little over exposed in the background. You might be able to ballance it out a little better in Photoshop.


    Quite an interesting image. What kind of bubbles are these? I like the color and contast. The way the bubbles on the right side are darker and on the left lighter gives the image a good deal of interest and a way for the eye to explore around the composition.

    The Gull


    "Who can understand the ratings some people give on this site?"


    No kidding. Anything below a 5/5 for this image is a crime. Personally, I don't mind low ratings... as long as the person explains why they found the image unsatisfying. There are at least a half dozen people who have rated this image that owe the artist an explanation.

    Michigan Lake

    Really cool abstract. I like the grouping of objects on the left and how they contrast the solid single object on the right. The different fields of color add interest across the frame and the razor thin slice of white across the horizonline makes for a nice visual break between sea and sky. It's a very enveloping image.

    little tiger

    You see so many boring and unoriginal pet pictures here and elsewhere. This one has something special about it though. I like the out of focus leaves in the foreground and the crisp focus on the cat. The expression really captures an attitude too. It's a fantastic portrait that rises well above the typical animal snap-shot. 6/6

    The Gull

    Wow. What a moody shot. I love the light and the composition. The boat seems to burst out of the front of the frame. It has a really 3D look to it. The light area of sky in the upper right really serves to ballance out what would be an otherwise too centered composition. I like the detail in the shadow area too. 6/5


    I like the colors in this one but the crop seems way too tight. Looks like some harsh flash reflection on the object too. Did you try shooting it with the flash off the camera? Maybe open up the frame a little?

    Lunch Break

    I like how the angle squeezes everything in the image. It has a claustrophobic feel to it even though you can see that it's a very open location.

    No trespassing

    Interesting piece of iron work. I like this as a documentary shot. Is this a location you can shoot again? It might be interesting to see what it looks like with a figure sitting on one side of the gate.
  3. Actually, the lack of sharpness on the right hand tree is more due to the resizing of the image than anything. Looking at the original NEF it has a lot of sharpness on the foreground. But I agree, a slightly larger aperture would have thrown that background out a little more and that would have played up the foreground nicely. Unfortunately I was in this location for a grand total of about ten minutes so what I got was what I got.
  4. The texture of the water makes this one very pleasant to look at. If it were my shot I might give desaturating the boat a try. It seems like it's a tad too monotone with so much blue in the paper.
  5. Yes, as soon as I posted my crit I saw that you were using a pinhole. That's one of the big drawbacks of the "rate recent" feature here at photo.net. You don't get enough information about the image on the rating page. You have to click through the image to see the photographer's comments and in this case I didn't do that.


    In light of the fact that it's a pinhole shot I say: Bravo!

  6. I like the sense of movement but I wonder if it would work better with a slightly faster shutter speed. The figures fade out just a little more than I'd like in this version. Just an opinion...


    Nice composition and depth. I think that the askew hood of the truck is what makes it really interesting to me. For a static scene there's a lot of movement going on in it. 5/5
  7. hahahaha!


    Yeah, I know what you mean. I feel that way sometimes too but the fact of the matter is that, on one glorious day, right at the golden hour up at Gabriel Park the sun shone down in golden splendor and I was able to capture this image. It's been a couple of months since then and nary a good shot. Sometimes I really hate this state.



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