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virginia sustarsic

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Posts posted by virginia sustarsic

  1. <p>will be going to slovenia for a wedding at lake bled in november. any suggestions? travelling from usa (ohio), still considering which airports, and how then to get to bled...maybe a week in slovenia and a second week in surrounding countries...would like to see the villages my grandparents came from...also, areas where the old style rural life is still happening and can be photographed...considering transportation, what will the roads and weather be like in mid november, how to carry my gear and clothing around, etc, any thoughts would be appreciated, thanks, virginia</p>
  2. <p>will be travelling from the u.s. to europe, maybe a week in slovenia, and a week in neighboring countries...so this includes planes, trains, bus maybe, walking...is there a lightweight rolling backpack that could carry a digital slr, with a few lenses (largest is 70-200 f.4) and also clothing, maybe two compartments or just roomy enough, and would work as a carryon? thanks for any suggestions, virginia</p>
  3. <p>In travelling I used to bring my macbook, external harddrive, dvd's. Wanting to travel lighter, I now have more compact flash cards and a sanho colorspace hyperdrive, very small, and holds 500 gigs, no burning dvd's and staying up late at night with the computer, and much lighter to travel with...virginia</p>
  4. <p>Will a focusing rail and a ringlight flash be very useful when using the 65 mpe 1-5x macro lens outdoors, my usual subjects are flowers and parts of flowers and bug portraits. If so, what brands of focusing rails shall I look at? just forward and back i think, or would you recommend side to side as well? With the ringlight, am thinking of looking at other than canon because theirs is so expensive, will others be similar? will they set an appropriate amount of light automatically? Also, thinking about whether to get a high quality filter or the lens hood, but with being so close to the subject, is there room for the lens hood, or would it cut down even further on the light, and also, is there room for the ringlight? does it mount even with the end of the lens, or come out further? haven't gotten the lens yet, wondering what, if anything, i'll need with it, thanks, Virginia</p>
  5. <p>After searching for several weeks, everyone was out, found a colorspace udma and received it yesterday, but even after charging for 10 hours, the yellow light which is supposed to go out when fully charged has not gone out, has this happened with yours?</p>
  6. <p>Thanks everyone for these very helpful suggestions, and an overview of what's available, for now i will be getting either the colorspace udma hyperdrive from sanho, or their new hyperdrive album, the album leaves out the otg function but they are out of the colorspace udma, so i'm still deciding between the two, thanks again, and happy travels, virginia</p>
  7. <p>Anyone seen the sanho new version of their stand alone hard drive, called 'album'? Almost ordered one, but then noticed that they have discontinued the feature on the colorspace version that allows the colorspace to be connected to another external hard drive for backup without a computer. While the album has a larger screen and some new features, am thinking of getting the colorspace because it would be nice to easily backup everything, or at least have that option, (although carrying enough cards to not erase them is another option i suppose)...what would you choose? thanks, virginia</p>
  8. <p>I decided to get a colorspace so that I can not have to bring along my laptop when traveling and can download my compact flash cards. When I called sanho to get one, they said they were out but were releasing a brand new updated model called "album". Larger screen, more options, and they said easier interface. I almost bought one, but then they said it would not have the 'otg' which is the capacity the colorspace has to connect to another hard drive and make a backup copy of everything without using a computer. When I asked how would you make a second copy, they said you would use a computer...my reason for getting one was to not have to bring my computer, so now i'm reevaluating and thinking of waiting until they have some of the older model the colorspace in stock again. Why would they leave that function off a new model? Am considering getting more compact flash cards and leaving images on them as well as the hyperdrive, so that's one option, but I take several thousand large images on a traveling trip and that would be rather expensive, and I would like the capacity to back up to another small portable drive in the present and/or future, what would you do, which model would you go for? thanks, virginia </p>
  9. <p>some people on this forum may be just starting out and doing a little selling of their work, maybe they've only taken in a very small amount of money, seems like there could be some general information or a resource offered (a book to read or website or something), for those not making enough income to pay a professional to consult with, virginia</p>
  10. <p>John A., do all netbooks run on linux? or do you do install different software so it does? I suppose another option would be a netbook and extra cards, or a netbook and a colorspace or wolverine type little drive...would lighten it up compared to a laptop with full size external hard drive plus 10 or 20 dvd's and their cases, wouldn't it,</p>
  11. <p>Just saw there's an even newer colorspace model called umda, anyone familiar with that one? Allen, maybe more cards would be good, I have several 4G cf cards now, and try to stay with that size so all images on the card can go into one file and can be copied to a dvd, the 16 or 32G cards would have to be broken down into smaller sections to fit on a dvd. I usually keep one copy on a 1T external hard drive and a second on dvd. But if I had enough cards, I suppose I could get one of the little portable storage things for backup and not erase any of the cards, and then I'd still have two copies for safekeeping until I get home and download...</p>
  12. <p>lewis and charles, oh, i see the colorspace has a viewing screen. can you delete images you don't want to keep, or just leave them all on there until you get home and put them onto your computer? thanks, virginia</p>
  13. <p>was the wolverine the picpac or flashpack? looked on amazon, mostly excellent reviews five star for one called flashpack but they are out of them, and only one review one star very negative about the picpac...looking at everyone's suggestions and they will be very helpful, thank you. anyone have a standalone hard drive like these that actually shows the images on the screen? the wolverine doesn't seem to do this...thinking of getting two different ones so will have a backup copy.</p>
  14. <p>When travelling, i've been taking my macbook and an external hard drive, as well as dvd's to backup. Seemed magical at first, but now sometimes seems like a lot to carry. I like travelling light, but camera and lenses are already quite a bit. What are some good alternatives? I use 4G compact flash cards, and often fill one or more cards in a day, may have trips of a couple of weeks. Thanks for any suggestions, naming also specific brands of things that you like and found helpful would be good, thanks, Virginia</p>
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