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Image Comments posted by clives

    Boy fishing


    Thanks Scott. Yes, it is peaceful and totally unstaged.


    I have to laugh at the "1" rating for originality--by a person who has not posted one picture on PhotoNet--perhaps because it is the third fishing-sunset picture posted here in two or three weeks, even tho this picture is over 10 years old. (Actually I don't even recall such pictures back then and apparently the national magazine [Outdoor Canada] that used a sister image as a feature thought it was original.)


    In 1996, that sister picture--almost identical-- was rated by the Outdoor Writers of Canada as the best outdoor picture published in Canada that year.


    We all certainly have different perspectives on what makes or breaks an image. I generally avoid sunset shots as they are deceiving. SO many of them--mine included--look good, but in reality are not particularly good pictures.

    Dark sky


    I don't think city folks know just how difficult it is to take good old barn images. Light....sun angles or lighting...power lines. etc etc. This is a great shot.


    Did you darken the background clouds-sky? Nice. Or was that natural stormy metal blue that we get in late fall-early winter?



    Ilkka: It was said, "its just a cow on a field" YES, just like Elvis and the Beatles were just rock and roll musicians and Motzart wrote music and Picasso painted. So what? (Okay MAYBE you are not Motzart, but you get the idea....)


    It is GREAT! Just like a couple of your other "cow" images. I love them. I take "cow" images and they are most difficult. You timed it right with the mist and the expression. I think the composition is perfect. Rule of Thirds...be damned. There are times for breaking every rule in the book--this worked.


    I wrote this in another post about one of your cow pictures. Our cattle here are wild and seem torn between trampling you or running away.


    Good work! Thanks! Clive

  1. Thanks David. Good comments. If I recall the market was crowded and I only had one position from which to shoot. I see what you mean by the light-colored grains (rice) in the forground. The shadows? I tried cropping out the large dark areas and the results were not pleasing.
  2. Taken several years back. Early morning back lighted with shadow in

    background. Ektachrome slide film. A bit noisy in the dark areas

    when scanned. Should the bothersome line in the lower L corner be

    removed? Comments welcome. Thanks. Clive

    My Neice Maddie

    I really like closeups of kids like this. I agree with Amanda that there is too much dark at the bottom right. Natural window light might help provided the angle (etc) can be found that leaves background dark.
  3. Comments welcome. This boy (perhaps 2) was with his parents

    travelling somewhere north of Ulan Batar, Mongolia. They stopped at a

    commune farm where I was waiting for a meeting to happen. The boy

    stayed alone on the cart with one sheep for about one hour. I took a

    few slides.

    The Rose

    Great composition on the lady. Wonderful expression. Agree with others...too much background noise even tho you went B&W there. It is titled "the rose" yet the flower is almost lost in the neck flesh. Different angle. Down lower shooting upward?? Still I really like the expression you captured.
  4. Thanks for the comments. George wrote, "I guess the girl is no more than 18 years old yet she has to share the burden of life for her family." I have been blessed to travel to China 9 times. It had been most enlightening. There are some 500+ million farm people in China. Their lives are hard. This was in Heilongjiang Province where about 25 million people farm. Most live in single family uninsulated brick homes. Right now it is -17°C. Their homes are heated mainly with corn stalks and other plant straw. Their beds are raised brick platforms under which heat from the cook oven flows. Yes, it is a hard life. This young lady (probably 14 or 15) likley was up at 3 or 4 AM and was on the road with her father by 4:30 in order to get to the market by sun up.


    Photographing real life and TRYING to depict it the "way it is" is a challenge. I frequently get asked to give slide shows on China. People don't want to see the Great Wall. They want to see life.


    Thanks for your kind words.

  5. Any and all comments welcome. Hand-held 300mm-- leaned against a

    post to hold steady. Film was Kodak Gold--I rarely use print film,

    but this in my pre-digital days and I wanted some for an album--

    versus all slides. Ca. 2000 or 2001. Somewhere in Northern China.


    Technically this picture lacks (busy...), but I happen to like these

    types of images depicting real life. It's the way it is.





  6. I should explain that comment above about "light" a bit more. Near as I can tell the sun was not shining on the valley at that moment. Sun would have helped bring out the colors. Also...early morning or late afternoon--depending on direction of valley--would likely produce the best results. Warm colors to enhance the scene further. Try different positions ....the pole (tree) on the right does not add to the scene. Good luck

    Old barn


    Yes, the foreground post is slightly out of the DOF. The barn is crystal sharp. I took many pictures that moring, some with and some without the foregroud post/s. I was curious about how others felt about the post.



  7. Yes. The undersides of the clouds were darkened for contrast. Used polarizer, but effects minimal due to angle to light.


    BTW, I also took digitals that day and converted to a red-orange monochrome. Most interesting.


    Thanks for you interest. These are every neat clouds. Have others I may post.

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