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Posts posted by harvey_trautenberg1

  1. Please help me out with the Hassy SWC photo. What is the hand reflected through? Is that a

    90 degree finder of some type? I am serious in my question. I would like to find one. Thanks

    for allowing the words.


    Happy Healthy and Prosperous in the New year for all of us. One more year in the statute of

    limitations bites the dust.

  2. The danger for Leica is self founded. My 50 year old Leicas can take advantage of every new

    emulsion developed by Koday, Fuji, et al. No obsolesence when new stock was developed.


    My new 2006 Digi-M7 will be viable only ontil the 15mp is developed or the full frame

    sensor. The amortization of digital bodies is very quick in the digital world. I was hoping for a

    moodular sensor but to no avail. Just my personal concern.

  3. My wish for today, the very rare simultaneous celebration of Chanukah and Christmas, is to

    put down the guns and suicide belts for one day and listen to each other. Maybe we'll learn

    we all want the same thing (except for the guys in the oil business).


    Happy Festivis!

  4. Panasonic makes a wonderful Lumix case for the LX1. It compresses around the shaape of

    the camera - nothing extra. It has a carbiner type of attachment on the back. I bought it on

    ebay for around $30 from hong kong. Arrived in 10 days. More compact than the lowepro

    which is a nice alternative.


    By the way - I had both the D2 and LX1 - I returned the D2 and saved $300++.


    Its now the most "in demand" camera in my houehold. In digital stuff we have a D70 and a

    canon sd500. I am almost contemplating a second one.

  5. The same thing happened to my lens. I don't know hoe the filter got smashed though.


    I sent the lens in for the filter to be machined off and the lens set straight after it started to

    rotate. The whole job took a few days total and about $60 if i recall. Bottom line is get it done

    right the first time.

  6. There are two RD IIf Leicas. One has a 1/500 and the other a 1/1000 top speed. Which did

    you buy? Its a great deal in any event. The cleanest and most elegant in my opinion. I have

    one rhat I put a 21mm CV lens and VF on and use all the time. Get a wrist strap from Gordy

    and it will becoome an extension of your hand. Enjot it.

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