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Image Comments posted by vincenzo_corbo



    The idea is nice, but there is something that shouldn't be included in the frame that is really distracting. By the way, the shot is not so bad, I like the point of view.



    The idea is not bad: I like the low point of view and the leading path of the rails, but contrast is low and the little piece of the leg is not enough, just a bit, of required life. By the way the two person on the top left are really too far to really appreciate their presence, even if they are a nice add to the composition.



    The background is soft and nice, but the main subject, is not crisp as expected to be, few clear details, seems, probably is blurred.



    I have to turn my head to see this shot as I'm expecting to see. As you are presenting it to us seems unnatural. The vertical simmetry seems more right.

    By the way, it also lacks of contrast to model more defined shapes and make each element more evident.

  1. Photo is not bad at all, but I think that you should have paid more attention to the light, a bit harsh, and to the backgroud, the poles or trees are a bit distracting.

    Finally the crop is too tight, just a bit, the knee, of her left leg makes  the pose and composition not balanced.



    The red of her jacket is a shot of color in the mist, composition is great. It's great that your wife share with you those moments even if they can be boring for her, eventually she can became a great subject of your photo!



    The Model, her pose and dress are nice and original, but the background, is really distracting, it not matches with her, with her dress.


    Very nice composition. Like the contrast of the sky against the land, the leading path of the road towards the man on the bike: the main subject of the photo!
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