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Image Comments posted by vincenzo_corbo

  1. I really like the colors that pop out from that window, the contrast of the blue sky versus the red of the brick, specially the left wall is great, as well the strong effect made by the lines, the vertical one that draw the end of the wall is really a nice detail and even if there is a strong barrel distorsion I like it. GReat shot, Tanni!

    blue in red

    The blue of the boat is really strong and seems not belonging to the frame. It's weird to see the inner part of the boat in such darkness. Have you used the speedlight? Or what?

    After Storm.


    Even if the frame is loaded with interesting point: the boad, the baloon, the houses (?) in the water, the sky, they do not superimpose and any of them are increase the interest of the photo and it's originality, strength and visual impact.

    Holidays in Valencia


    Very nice shot. the B&W is perfect for it and perfectly made. Details of the building are strong and neat and the family adds the required life to a otherwise common architecture shot.



    For me the strength of this shot is given by the paint on the wall. It totally catches my attention. In any case the bridge balalnce the composition.

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