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Image Comments posted by vdp


    I like the way the colors selectively match the colors of the boys shirts. There is also very nice geometry here. I like also that the boys are walking in the direction of the sky - they look determined and the sky looks so friendly and inviting. This photograph also has some humor -- the satellite dish peeking out is funny. It fits however, since it reflects a similar color to the wall behind and the yellow surface of the building in front of it. Well done.

    Coastal Cloud

    This is such a good photograph. Those looming clouds actually look friendly and the rocks in the foreground look a little omminous. That sky is fantastic. It is as if sky and earth reflect each other -- the clouds corrispond to the rocks, and the sky itself to the flat sand. Soft and hard, bright and dim are in a dignified, graceful yet wild dance in this scene. Well done!
  1. This is a very interesting photograph. It takes in a lot, reflections, a pattern of lights, a black silhouetted figure and vertical lines of varying degrees of thickness. The "fuzzyness" gives me a sense of movement -- after all it is a train station- as does the solitary figure. I am not sure if this photograph wouldn't have been even better had the full figure of the silhouetted person been shown -- perhaps so, perhaps not. None the less I think this photo has something.

    Little bastard :)

    Oh the sweet dear thing! You managed to capture an inquisative look. Well done. I'm not so sure about the title. I thought the only bastards were landlords and politicians.


    This is a lovely composition. The rind has a balletic quality and its curve is a variation on the curves of the mandarine slices. Congratulations.


    In my opinion I think the soft focus and bright area of the chest add to the mystery of this photograph. Had it been tack sharp with "perfect" lighting it may have looked too cutesy rather than the way it looks now with the Feline mystique emerging from all that darkness.
  2. I think this photograph is quite fine. The composition is very well done. I like the way patterns are repeated. First, there is the figure by the shore. The shape of this figure is echoed by that shape off in the distance -- it may be a tower of some sort. It is a straight line between it and the figure by the shore. The large craigy rock in the distant is reflected somewhat by the boulder next to the standing figure by the shore. So in a sense abstract forms are repeated. There is also a rising and a flatness (the islets & the sea) a containment and an expansiveness which is also very moving. I congratulate you.
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