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Image Comments posted by exabetal

  1. Hoi Theo, I appreciate your greening trial, but I'm afraid that it's not exactly as my camera (auto white balance) saw it. I agree that I did some PS on the photo, but only used levels, USM and contrast. No color change was applied. In the early hour the photo was taken, the sun had just risen above the trees at the left and hit the floating cabins and the mist rising from the water.



    Hoi Mebeline. Indrukwekkende foto. Mooi met die mist tussen de bomen. Lijkt wel wat op mijn foto's van vorig jaar. Zie mijn portfolio.

    Groet, Huub

  2. A second photo of last Sunday's visit to the Maasvlakte. It's

    actually a ca. 50% crop of a full frame. Saturation was a bit less

    than on "Nothing out there", as I got some complaints about the

    greens. The geese flew in from 'elsewhere', but I feel they make a

    nice subject so that this photo is a little less empty than the

    previous one.

    Red Rock Canyon

    I like the almost square format and the monotone color. The diagonal gorges (?) make this an excellent composition. The only problem I have is the scale. It's hard to see what the size of the structure is.... Please rate my latest: Maasvlakte. Thanks
  3. A Sunday morning in December on the Dutch coast. It was cold and

    windy with occasional showers. True, there is no real main subject,

    just emptyness. Nobody was weird enough to walk there, except me of

    course. This was shot on the Maasvlakte, reclaimed land from the sea.

  4. Hi, First :-) Nice sunset! Good colors. Next :-( The horizon is tilted. The main subjects are smack in the center. that's a little boring. The chimneys are a bit distracting. Keep up the good work and be mild in your rating of other photos!

    Flying South


    During the summer months barnacle geese breed and fourage on the

    Scandinavian and Siberian coasts. In the autumn they migrate south

    and stay as winter guests in Holland. This photo was taken at

    the "Valkenburgsemeer", a small lake near the city of Leiden in the


  5. Hoi Doeke, Very nice indeed. Not the regular view of Ayers Rock and also nicely lit from the side, bringing out the shape and contrasts better! Pity the details of the panorama cannot be seen upon compression. Well done. Please rate my latest "Dutch Moors", or any other photo in my portfolio. Thanks
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