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Image Comments posted by jastrzebski


    Is definitely pornography. Well done though. Not too obvious, yet just strong enough to attract desired attention. Even if not everyone admits to himself that this is pornography, somewhere deep inside he knows that it is. The girl's pose, face, her nudity - all that makes it pornography. And this is the major reason why it got so many comments in the first place. Some people who like to watch porno prefer to call it art this way they feel more noble. There is quite a lot of that on photo.net. Take a picture of a naked woman, put it on photo.net - and it ALMOST NEVER fails to produce a very successful photo ! What is the difference between an artistic nude and a pornography ? If you have some talent and take a nice picture of a naked woman it is a nude, if you happen to have less talent and it is just a naked women on the photo - do we have pornography then ? Or maby the artistic nude is just an aesthetically pleasing pornography and nothing more ? I think that is the case in vast majority of such cases here on photo.net. This photo, be the way, is good from aesthetical point of view, but the pornographic element inherent here, disqualifies it for me..

    Imprisoned Spirit


    Thanks for your comment, by my intro remark I have meant something else: 1. that technicalities does not equal aesthetics 2. never heard of "Gothic people" - ancient drama of a tragic actor is the power behind my photographs. 3. The weakness of photography as a pictorial art lies in easiness to produce quasi aesthetic work.

    And, Oh, yes, I would have forgotten .. Aesthetic is universal no matter what is or is not in the eye of the beholder. Marek


    Perfect photograph. A master shot. For me the best in this folder. Yet I would like to see more light here, more contrast. Technicalities like scratches are unimportant. What lens did you use, standard 80mm or a 65mm one ?
  1. There is a Breughel painting - people playing in winter - (you can see in Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna) that instantly came into my mind when I saw this photo. It is very picturesque. The shadows are essential in this composition. Make it alive, fill it with static action. Yet it was not obvious to me that they are form trees.

    Imprisoned Spirit


    Only do not tell me that this photo is unsharp :-))

    There are so many superbly sharp ones, technically so perfect... , so

    many with beautiful mountains or autumn trees or ..., whatever,

    repeating the banality, the kitschiness, Don't you think that this

    is the weakness of the photography as an art ? Seen even in the most

    perfect photos. The same motive or subject seen for 1000000-time. And

    it is not the same as master painters painting a still life again and

    again. It is not the same. The similarity of expression is much

    bigger in photography. Personal influence much lower. I tried to

    escape that. Or limit that. Even If I have failed, at least I have



    Do not worry. Technicaly minded people are obsessed with sharpness. Oh, where is the golden age of softening duto filters ??! I often specially make photographs unsharp to limit detail distractions and augment composition and emotion inherent in the photo. It is a good shot, the bird remains are too central and too 'en face' for my taste, though. Or maybe if you crop it to a classic 6 x 6 square format it would be more powerfull.
  2. but too narrative for me. For me a photograph is a composition made of formal elements - subject, topic, emotion can be those elements too, but story/narration destroys the balance of composition totaly and is against my idea of photographic work.



    It is great photo 6/6 from me. Since it is 'despair' I understand it had to be blue and low in high tones, yet I could not resist to change it slightly into less narrative but maybe more formal composition.


    Dog & Door

    Great natural composition but spoiled by the kitchy dog and much too much of contrast. I would love to make it my way, where is this door ? :-))Sorry for this half acid comment - it originates form my idealism, you are far better photographer than the others here that I do not care to comment on.
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