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lucid image

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Posts posted by lucid image

  1. This may be a very basic question, but I am still not completely

    grasping it. I have a Canon 430EZ with a guide number between 75 and

    129 feet (depending on zoom position) and a Pentax 280t (w/

    stroboframe bracket), with a guide number of 91ft. I own a lumiquest

    ultrasoft for the 430EZ and a diffusion cap for the 280T. Both

    accessories state that there will be a 2 1/3 stop loss on light

    output. What does this mean?? If I set my camera to the ambient

    reading (from handheld or camera meter), how would this coincide with

    the flash setting (on 430EZ) and what sort of distance would be lost,

    in both cases, in a portrait setting????


    A little confused, Sean

  2. I really don't know which forum is best for this question, but

    here it goes. I am about to do my first aerial shoot from a single

    passenger cesna, at low altitude and wondered if anyone could give me

    any pointers on success. I will be using a manual lens on my Pentax

    645, to retain image for enlargements required and I will be shooting

    colour negative film.


    Thanks in advance!! Sean

  3. I don't know why, but I am having trouble grasping the basic

    principle of manual flash. I have a pentax 280T on stroboframe with

    pentax 645 body. The flash and the body are compatible for ttl

    autoflash, but I like to have control over the aperture. The 280t is

    a manual flash (distance and lens aperture is the only control over

    flash intensity). I have been metering ambient either with camera or

    handheld meter and then setting the apropriate aperture I require for

    subject DOF. My question is why does the 645 kick the shutter to 60

    automatically. Interior that is fine, because to drag the shutter,

    my aperture is usually under that anyway, but if I am outside shutter

    speed is usually higher and I cannot get by the lock of 60. I

    thought the 645 (and most medium format) allowed for shutter sync up

    to 250 or 500. How does one use flash and get reduced dof in this

    situation outside??? Also as a final question, for situations with

    little to no ambient light, would you suggest just using the ttl or

    going manual?? I, as you can tell am a little confused, although I

    am sure that flash is not as complicated as my frustrated mind makes

    it out to be!!!! Please HELP!

    Thanks, Sean

  4. I have been in the business for a short while now and am still

    shooting analog film. One question I have been getting more oft than

    not in my wedding meetings and at the one bridal show I have done is

    do I sell or retain negatives. My resounding answer has been no and

    than I go into the spiel about copyright, blah, blah, blah. Recently

    I had a meeting and the client told me that out of the 6

    photographers they had met with, 2 did and 4 didn't (digital

    photographers gave high-res discs). My question is should I be

    looking at selling my negs, with a list of established developers for

    enlargements(less work, less time, less money), and if so for how

    much, or should I be developing my album sales (extra work, extra

    time, potentially more money). I just want to see what is the market

    standard and get some feelings.

    Thanks, Sean

  5. I have two multiblitz lights, one a 200 mini, one a proflite 200

    with built in slave, but I have no manuals and cant seem to get the

    information I need. I have one main question, does the 200 indicate

    the flash power, and if so, how close to subject should I place the

    lights for single subjects and will it push enough power for a group

    for environmental fill? The back of these units only has full/half

    power options, so I am assuming the 2/1 ratio is the only option,

    correct. Hope this all doesn't sound too trivial and thanks in

    advance for any help!!


  6. My question is to do with the portrait client meeting. What are

    some questions that those with years of portrait experience ask? Do

    you take the time to travel to their home, or insist on meeting at

    your location (in my case, my home)? Also, how do you address the

    increased cost over budget photo operations? Thanks in advance.



  7. I have had my website up and running for 5 months now and have got

    good response. I just noticed other critique requests and thought I

    would just ask out of curiosity how the members Photo.net feel. I

    have to say that this forum has been a true blessing to developing my

    skills and business.......thanks again!!





  8. Just about whether or not slide film can be both multiple

    exposed and crossprocessed at the same time. If I was to use 50 iso

    slide film, rate it at 160, take three multiple exposures and then

    have it crossprocessed in C41 chemicals, would this give desirable

    results, or is it too stressing on the negative. I know I should

    experiment to find my own results, but I have a band shoot tomorrow

    and thought that this may make for an interesting effect, so any

    people with previous experience would clear things up a bit at the

    eleventh hour.


    Thanks, Sean

  9. Probably a silly question, but I am just questioning myself on

    what exactly constitutes push and pull processing. If I have, say

    400iso film and rate it at 800 and process it as such, does that mean

    it is pushed one stop. If you take 3200 film and rate it at 800,

    process it as such, does that mean it is pulled 2 stops. I know this

    is a beginner question, but if someone can just confirm this concept

    and how it works, I would finally have piece of mind.


    Thanks, Sean

  10. I am debating on purchasing a 150mm 3.5 for my portrait uses, but

    have also come across a 135mm 1.4 on EBay. I did a Google search to

    get some details on this lense and got skunked. I have two

    questions, first does this beast actually exist and what are your

    feelings and secondly am I right in thinking the faster 135mm would

    be superior for my needs than the 150mm.


    Thanks in advance!! Sean

  11. I am in the process of doing a pricing brochure to bring my

    enlargements and albums together as a one price item. I have priced

    according to size and in turn number of prints. For an example, the

    price of my 40 page "house" album. The album consists of 60

    enlargements of various sizes (maximum 30 10X10), with 31/2X5, 4X6

    and 5X5 (5X7) filling out the album. My average per page cost

    (including page, top mounting material, protective coating, and

    enlargement) is approximately $12.00 (Canadian), while the album is

    $97.75. My cost, therefore calculates to $577.75, before I include

    my time. I have calculated a markup and time expense and am selling

    it at $1149.00. I feel I am getting much better at understanding the

    world of pricing and am miles ahead of where I was just two months

    ago, but I am always wanting to make sure that my estimate is in

    keeping with market value and that the profit margin is where it

    should be. Just curious how others go about the album issue.

    Thanks, Sean

  12. My question is about the intitial meeting with a potential

    client..the BIG SELL meeting. I have been fairly successful in my

    method of first asking questions regarding the wedding itself....how

    many people, where is it, time of ceremony, length of coverage

    required, etc., etc. I then launch into my sales pitch to try and

    convince the client that I am the photographer they want by trying to

    show my personality and edge, while all along keeping an air of

    sincerity and interest in THEIR wedding. I have had 3 meetings in the

    last 2 months and have booked 2 weddings....pretty good average, but

    will it hold?? There in lies my question..what is the right way to

    approach the initial sales meeting?? Those out there with

    experience, what are some secrets?? I know you may say that my ship

    isn't sinking, so keep its course, but I just want to hear what

    everyone else thinks about this subject.

    Thanks in advance!! Sean

  13. I have been slowly getting into the business for the last year,

    with my work being primarily portrait and weddings. I have come to

    like using Kodak tmax 100 and 400 plus Ilford 3200 for my black and

    white and have fallen in love with the Kodak UC 400 for almost all of

    my colour work. My question is about using slide (transparency)

    films. Does anyone use them and what is the practicality of using

    them if the end result is proof prints. I have used slide (provia)

    for my travel work and was consistently impressed with the colour

    saturation, I am just a little confused on whether or not I should be

    considering it for my portrait work also. Suggestions please!!!


    Thanks, Sean

  14. Searching for a fast 85mm lens for my portrait needs. I am

    using an old pentax 645 manual focus. Please, if anyone can set me

    in the right direction, it would be much appreciated.

    Yours, Sean

  15. My question is about the importance of becoming affiliated with

    provincial and national photo organizations P.P.O. and P.P.O.C.

    respectively. I have been in the throws of getting my business

    rolling. The last 6 months have been spent advertising,

    broadcasting, and building my refferal system, all the while reading

    and developing my technical skills and bringing my equipment up to

    professional standard. I am still working a full time resturant job

    to pay for these costs and living costs, but have started to get some

    portrait, wedding and corporate work. I am now looking at the option

    of getting my vendors permit and joining the above organizations.

    This will inevitably cut into my budget for advertising and new

    equipment (I still need to get a faster lens and I would like to run

    a weekly in my local newspaper for my portrait business). I am not

    in anyway questioning the validity of these organizations, I am just

    asking if this is something I should be a part of at this early stage

    or should my money be spent on getting my business to the next level

    by standard advertising methods and better equipment?? Any thoughts??

  16. I have recently bought myself a manual focus Pentax 645 as a

    step up for my portrait and formal shots. I am new in the business

    and have been slowly acquiring equipment for my business as money

    allows. I still shoot 35mm, but was looking at acquiring the

    essentials for my Pentax 645 in regards to my formal portrait shoots.

    As far as hardware, I have a 50mm 2.8 lens, a 80-130 4.0 lens, a AF

    280T Flash, a multiblitz profilite 200 and a multiblitz mini 200,

    with stands, umbrellas, etc. I was just curious on any other

    recommendations on what I should be purchasing to improve my overall

    ability to shoot portrait work.

  17. I have purchased a multiblitz 200 mini and a mutiblitz profilite

    200. I had no manuals with the purchase and have tried both the

    multiblitz site and searches on google to get any tips, ticks, etc.

    I have found very little and thought I would just write to find out

    if anyone has had experience with these lights and may have some

    insight, or information that might be useful to a person new into the

    world of studio lighting.


    Thanks, Sean

  18. I have been borrowing an Omega B22 enlarger, timer along with the

    basic hardware (trays, thermometer, tongs, beakers) from my local

    school and now am at the stage that I either buy or return the

    equipment. Obviously favoring the former, I was curious on the

    value. I have no idea and would like to make a fair offer to the

    owner. Please Help!! Thanks, Sean

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