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Image Comments posted by b_adams

  1. Scott-


    Your cropped version is much better than the original. I really appreciate the time you have taken to make suggestions as well as to give actual examples. I can learn a lot from those of you who don't mind helping us "beginners". Thanks again.


    Thank you for all off the comments and suggestions. My son is actually just holding a twig and was pretending to fish. I am not sure that I still have the original color version but I will look. Thanks again.


    This is it? This is all you have to offer and you want to give me a 3 without a comment. Please just skip my submissions in the future.


    Robert, I appreciate the extra time it took to come back and make a comment. I am an infant in this photography thing and without the guidance of experienced people, I won't get anywhere. I expect low ratings as a beginner but when they are not accompanied by a comment or suggestion, I am just spinning my wheels. Thanks again for the comments.
  2. Thank you for the comments.


    Sridhar, Thanks.


    Simon, I actually had the model face the camera first and it seemed like a generic vacation snapshot. Thanks.


    Andrew, we seem to be on the same page. I appreciate hearing someone describe the capture as it was compsed. I also ejoyed your entire portfolio very much and will be adding you to my list of people to watch. Thanks again.




    I appreciate your comment and I agree somewhat. I think that sometimes we need to abandon the "mainstream rules" and compose with circumstances. Because the viewer is not present for the circumstances, the composition requires them to ask themselves what the story was and then supply it to themselves. In this shot he had just made an elaborate series of homemade karate moves that moved him across the field of view, finishing in the position photographed. Just an experiment a little outside the box. Thanks for the input.







    I really didn't get the opportunity to compose, light or even focus this shot. I stuck my arm out the car window at 60MPH and hit the button. I was just curious what would happen. LOL...This is the result. Thanks for the comment.


    Thanks for the comment. I agree about the loss of pink due to light. I tried everything to find a happy middle but either shaded the entire flower or scared off the bee, butterfly, fly and moth. :-) Thanks again



    Thanks for the input. I agree that the lighting and background would have been better softer and all black. Both were not possible at the time. I think the color lines in the back would actually enhance the shot if the background were all black. Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate it.



  3. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I am not sure about the lines. It is completely clean in the main image but when I click on "Comment" the image shows up very distorted. Almost seems like a server thing. The path bothers me also. I liked the combination of colors and the subject matter. Thanks again



  4. This is a great capture. Were you on a bridge? Love the color and contrast. I can't offer any suggestions as I am brand new at this. It's a shame that so many of you seem to be so impressed with yourselves that you can just swoop through and drop a 2/2 rating and leave without a few words as to why it was so bad. The rating is not my problem. I cannot benefit from your obvious experience if you don't offer it. Please.... next time just skip to the next image. Thanks



  5. Matt-


    Very funny idea. It actually sparks a few ideas for my Mother-in-law. :-) Yes..The blades need a blur and this type of blend is difficult to due because of the need to match the lighting. You need to match or manipulate the light so that it effects each subject from the same direction etc.

    Fun image.


    Bryan (By the way....I like your last name) :-)

    Pink Depth


    Thanks for taking the time to make a comment. I really appreciate it. Looking at it again, I can see your point. I think I will try it and let you know. Thanks again.







    This image is absolutely beautiful! As a beginner, I can't even begin to imagine how this shot was taken. Needs to be showcased somewhere.


    Also as a beginner, I look to the experienced photographers on this site for guidance and suggestions. You rated my most recent submission with a 2/1. I am not concerned with the rating itself...It is just frustrating that you took the time to rate it so badly, but you didn't feel it was necessary to tell me why or what I could have done to make it better. Please...Either help with constructive criticism or just skip to the next image. Thanks.



  6. As far as a photography goes, this is an amazing capture. As a testiment to our world...this sad scene could be found everywhere. A GAP shopping bad about to step over of a mans home. Very powerful shot.


    The Swimmer




    Nice shot. I cannot offer any suggestions as I am far from ready to even attempt a shot like this. Very clear...Great light and color. Where was this taken and with what equipment?



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