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Image Comments posted by b_adams

  1. Jayme-


    First let me thank you for taking the time to share your experience and suggestions with me. I have, frankly, not been using this site much lately because people do not contribute their suggestions along with their criticisms. I would love to "Learn" how to take a better picture but have not gotten a lot of help through this site. So again...THANKS.


    It was the angles that drew me to this one also. Unfortunately I am afraid phrases such as "curves picker" and "straighten the perspective" are lost on me. I am strictly an amateur hobbiest with a love for taking pictures of everything. Beyond that, I have no training or experience. I fake my way through photo enhancement not knowing the correct terms or methods for making the corrections I would like to make. I like the image you corrected for me. The blacks and whites really make a difference. If you have another moment, please explain the perspective issue. I will look for a "curves picker" in my software. Thanks again.



    Last Cast


    Jayme -


    Again, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience and ideas with me. You took my very average capture and made it "Good". I like your crop much better. Thanks.





    James -


    Thanks for taking the time to make a comment as well as to offer suggestions. I agree on all counts. As far as the goalie, the four year olds don't have a goalie...or pretty much any rules. It is a riot to watch. I wish I could have gotten a higher angle also. The background bugs me too but my g3 just doesn't stop action very well so I was lucky to get this one. Thanks again for your time and suggestions.



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