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Image Comments posted by photoblogger


    Luke, I like this photo. The complexity of the stairs contrasts nicely with the uncluttered lines of the building. My guess is that the screen does not do this justice and the print is probably that much better. The highlights at the top of the building are a little blown out but otherwise it's a great shot. Well done.

    wheat field

    Great colours - I really like this one. Would it work better if you printed it to straighten the horizon a little? Or were you looking for this effect so that the wheat appears to bend over more?


    Nice picture, with good colours. I get the feeling that you used a long lens for this one. My only comment would be that, perhaps, you could improve it a little by straightening the image a little so that the bottom of the window is parallel to the edge of the image.


    I like this picture - it has a friendly feel to it. Is this a crop? If so, would the image benefit from bringing more of the two people in the forground into the frame? Either way - nice shot!


    Just realised - you may want to do this selectively (apply just to the sky) or you may end up reducing the highlights / reflection in the water if they are blue in the original colour image. Either way - good luck!


    Have you tried editing the colour image in Photoshop (to mimic the effect of a yellow / red filter) and then converting to greyscale? I have used it in the past, when I want to 'punch up' a sky, to good effect. Overall, I like the picture - very powerul.
  1. Great shot - love the shapes and the 'caught' feeling of flowing movement. Did you dodge the background out of the print? And if so, would it have helped frame the object or did you want the feeling of isolation in the first instance? Wish I could shoot like this!
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