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Image Comments posted by photoblogger

  1. Nice work - I really appreciate this one. Perhaps you could burn out some of the highlights in the background and dodge around the head of the cello a little to help make the subject stand out even more. Have you tried this in black and white? - It might work. Either way, it's a lovely image, thanks for sharing.

    Bucket 2

    Jessica, It's an interesting shot. I think the blown-out highlights at the front of the picture distract from the overall 'feel' of the image. Perhaps you could try reducing the brightness or even cropping it out altogether (may look strange though as you would lose some of the feeling of depth). As for the contrast, perhaps a little more wouldn't hurt as it would take some of the softness out of the walls of the well. Either way, it's a nice shot - thanks for sharing and let me know if you post a new version.
  2. Camden - I knew it as soon as I saw the photo! Normally I don't go for manipulated images, but this is great. The way you've caught the atmosphere: the movement, the subject's smile, the tight spaces with the blown-out highlights coming in from the window behind... It's all good :) Nice one.


  3. Nice photo Fred. I like the contrast in this one. If I can make one suggestion? The bag that the lady is carrying cuts off the head of the person in front of her. Perhaps the shot would have been better if you had waited for a single person to be in the frame - would have made the image a lot stronger. Still, it's a good shot - thanks for sharing.

    To the Sun

    Olya, I think this is a great shot. I can understand Ernest's point of view regarding the lack of lighting of the subject from the foreground but I would have to disagree. The backlighting adds to the delicate feel of this shot and provides an interesting level of contrast between the sun, clouds, sky and the plant. All in all a beautiful picture with a good crop to boot! Thank you - I really enjoyed this one.
  4. Kirk - I like the contrast in this shot. Perhaps a slower shutter would have given more sense of movement but I know it's not always easy with these type of shots. Overall, I like it. Well done!
  5. Great perspective in this shot - It almost feels that I'm the one being examined. The contrast between the colours inside and outside the room is great - it adds to a sense of isolation. Was this shot taken slightly to the right hand side of the room? If not, it appears that the image is rotated anti-clockwise by a few degrees. Perhaps it would benefit from a very minor crop and straighten. Overall, a very powerfull and well-executed composition. I like it!
  6. I've just had a look at the second version of this shot.... I take my comment back about the cropping - by touching the wing of the angel with the edge of the frame you have made this one far more powerful. You have a great eye!
  7. Made me look, not twice, but twenty times! I imagine that this was difficult to expose well. The distorted depth of field and parallax brought about by the difference in size between the doctor and the angel disturbs me and stops my eye from settling (perhaps in a good way). The tight crop, touching both the angel and the doctor, doesn't work for me - I would prefer to see a little more space. Overall, I think that this is a very powerful and well executed shot. Well done!
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