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Image Comments posted by thomas_breazeale1

    The Hunter

    Interesting mood and tone to the image but am wondering if this might have worked better in color because the mist almost looks like dust.I still like it though you might want to consider removing the distracting white spot in the foreground.
  1. It has been too long since I have commented on one of your images Ken and this one was just too good to pass up.The dark tones are powerful contrasting against the white highlites and gives a real sense of forboding to the image.Good overall balance albeit maybe just a tad heavy on the left composition wise but not overpowering.Your use of ambient light gives a painterly texture that would be hard to duplicate with fancy strobes and light boxes...well done!


    What really draws my eye is the 3D look of the water,great sense of depth due to the shadows along the edges Carl.Would like to know what time of day this was taken which should shed some light on the blue tones.I think the almost monochromatic look is more effective than the other offered versions,their color is overpowering IMO.Cropping this image down the middle and making two separate images would also have some possibilities here...nice image.

    Morning Heat

    Good to hear from you again Dave and thanks for your support as always.I realize this image does not contain a lot real interesting 'things'but how often do we see sunrises such as this?Glad you like it...

    Morning Heat


    This image was taken at sunrise in the Baguio mountains a few years

    ago.No color saturation here but I darkened the yellows using

    selective color in PS.Hope you enjoy!

    Burnt Orange - crop

    I think what I really like most about this are the lines of delineation among the rust patterns...layers of dereliction.The fly is like a vulture perched on a decaying society of unkempt morals and values...am I boring you Carl?And yes,internal politics DOES draw visitors.


    Greg,your image has a sense of granduer and is well composed but needs some work IMO.I think the foreground would work much better if it had warm light falling on it,as it is there is not much interest.I also think an extra stop would give much needed contrast and saturate the colors more,not talking about in your face colors that I am sometimes guilty of but just enough to dampen the overexposed feeling I get.What time of day was this shot in?
  2. Hello Phil.I could never give you a detailed critique such as the ones you have given me but what I can say is that I like the use of diagonals and thirds.The image is comfortable to look at,simple and well balanced but maybe a tad more contrast?Some of the highlites seem almost burnt out in my eyes and I think flowing lines are more important than details here.Anyway,go ahead and flame me ha,ha!!!


    This is much more cool than my rainbow shot you commented on!Spires..gargoyles..horses..ufo's,its got it all plus a perfect exposure and balance between building and sky.My only nitpik would be the white section of roof in the lower right corner,kinda distracting but not terribly so.

    Exit Glacier 3

    I think the lines and textures here are marvelous Lou Ann and yes it does have somewhat of an abstract flavor to it.I do think that a tad more contrast would have gave you more definition and tonal values in the colors so as to draw the viewer in more IMO.Still cool,no pun intended.And yes,a good ISO 100 emulsion would probably meet all your needs Lou Ann.
  3. Carl,after reading Richard's comments about your image I must agree whole heartedly about the color issue.I am a color man as you know and we have exchanged comments about color over time but COLOR is not what attracts me to your images primarily...it is your skill in portraying abstract art as interesting and very thought provoking.This image is no exception Carl and the fact that you can crop this image and still remain powerful and true to your genre speaks volumes in itself.You and others are way beyond me when it comes to dissecting a photo such as this,if I tried it would only turn into a semantical jungle of words and poorly constructed thought patterns that would probably insult your intelligence!Take heart Carl in the fact that you have touched more than one phtographer on this sight and have opened at least my eyes to that which is good.

    Spring Aspens

    I keep comming back to this image Daniel.Powerful,dramatic with great tones and superb light.The upper third is somewhat distracting in the sense that your tonal ranges seem to have no definition...muddy like.Have you tried cropping from the top?Otherwise real fine.
  4. Thats two in a row for me Carl!Great use of diagonals and verticals and of course those popping colors that are so dear to my callused heart.Being a square man,Peggy's comments are interesting and do work IMO but so does this...and it works well.Your curves artistry has achieved a density in color that really enhances the textures that some of the panels have to offer,best example being the reds and black in lower left of image.This area is maybe worth a vignette if pixals allow?I cannot see any room for improvement here Carl and I certainly would like this hanging on my wall.POW material Carl.
  5. A very simple composition but oh soooo lovely an image Kenneth.It is sad to see the front pages full of higher rated landscapes but could never hold a candle........your eye for color and composition are second to none in my book.


    I think this is a great image with its simple composition and subdued colors.I do think a little more sharpness on the petals would be more eyecatching though.I like your portfolio.
  6. Hello Vincent,as usual your compositional skills shine.I have a problem with your shutter speed here,the water would have looked better IMO if you either chose stop action or another second or so of exposure.The artistic value seems to be lost at this speed Vincent.I do agree with your comments about sunsets or even sunrises,sometimes the best results happen with your back to the sun.
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