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Image Comments posted by thomas_breazeale1

    Pretty in Pink

    I am always a sucker for presunrise shots Adam and this is no exception.The cool color temperature mixed with the textures of the foreground make an interesting combination which sets this apart from your other one and maybe a little less redundant as compared to many landscapes.

    Twistleton Scar

    This is a very lovely image David..to me the best in your portfolio but I like the others also.The lone tree,the dramatic sky and the DOF all add up to a well balanced shot.I especially like how the background hills converge with the sloping foreground...well done.


    It is of my opinion that the colors you have chosen are precisely what makes this image stand out,along with your composition.Brooding,foreboding...dramatic and palpable but with two observations.I think the softness of the first two posts are a little distracting and I also think the image would flow better if the fence line did not end abruptly dead center horizon.Just my opinion but still like the mood of this image a lot.
  1. This is an amazing image Michael.The light on the womans shoulders is sublime but I especially like the way you framed the model with the tree.It makes for good tonal contrast and textures and enhances your main subject well.
  2. I like the crisp delineation between fore,mid and background and the alpenglow is wonderful.Two things..I think the frame is a little overpowering and have you considered cropping a little from the bottom to tighten things up a bit?
  3. There are two things that really strke me about this image Kenneth,one is the perceptive color division that runs almost dead center vertically and the other is the 3D look that literally sucks you in.The composition is signature Kwan along with the dense yellow tones that are so apparent in many of your images.An interesting feature of this image is the opposing diagonal slant of the large cloud and hill with the horizontal horizon line of the water.It gives the viewer a surreal feeling of vastness and movement which keps us comming back for more.The only nitpik would be the blocked shadow area on the hill upper right...which I am sure would have been unavoidable with the exposure due to the film lattitude.Well done Kenneth and very professional.
  4. Hello Ken!Glad to hear from you againand hope all is well.Yes,a three wood would be just about right here on this extreme dogleg left.It was a beautiful morning in China when I took this shot and keeps reminding me why I am in the golf industry.Thanks for your comments and have a look at my new website...breazealephotos.com

    At Land's End

    Superb color renditions here Jay,aside from the warm tones the blues in the midst of the white froth is mouthwatering!Plenty of detail even in the shadow areas with cool textures in the cliff.I do think that even the slightest bit more of saturation would spoil the image Jay..like me sometimes the envelope is made to push but do we push too far?I firmly believe in a difference between artificial saturation and color DENSITY...the latter being desireable in most cases.In your case here you have kept the believability of the image without comprimising what we love in our images.Well done Jay!


    Superb lighting and exposure with just the right amount of contrast.The pose and overall composition is provocative and I like the textures of the cloth wrapping..especially around the head.I think if the body and head were positioned up toward the right top corner diagonally it might keep us from tilting our head so much to get a better view of her face...but then again it might lose its impact.Love your work.


    Very nice composition and pose Yuri,I like the positioning of the hand and especially like the way you used the one eye for effect.Lovely matching blues of the headcover and eye,very Bonderish and cool as we expect from your work.I really think that these type of images as here are your trademark shots..the Bonder signature that sets you apart.Well done.

    Morning Hues

    Thanks everyone for your comments,much appreciated and Merry Christmas!Regina,actually I have not been posting much lately but I like this image quite a lot so thought I would give it a try.Atle...long time no hear from you and thanks for dropping by.The hues in the sky and the pool are pretty much like the original slide,this image has hardly any photoshopping done to it.Thanks again...
  5. Interesting textures and highlites.My first impression was one of a Dutch master painting during the Renaissance period,I like the grainy canvas feel it has.Would also like to see the eyes just a tad more open,think it might draw the viewer deeper into the image but not a critical issue.A very nice portrait Haleh...

    Island Awash

    Other than levels and contrast there has been no manipulation done to this image not even saturation...in fact I desaturated the reds just a touch to balance things out a little.As stated before I cropped all the way around to take away the sense of scale and hopefully put you in fantasy land.Water textures are due to slow shutter speed and great afternoon light that turned the whole world into golden hues.The polarizer brought out the detail and emphasized the blues in the shadows.I was standing probably 30ft above the rock on a cliff.Thaqnk you all for your comments and questions again,always welcome...

    Island Awash

    Thanks everyone for your comments.The tranny was in the square format but because of the vast areas of water surrounding the rocks the lack of scale' effect was lost.Of all the croppings I experimented with this one just seemed to hold water better.

    Douglas Sunset

    The boat being centered in the horizon does not bother me at all and I do not think you could afford to lose any of that water by cropping since IMO the reflection has more impact than the sky.If I were going to crop I would crop just above the mountain range and lose some of hot highlites upper left.
  6. I do not think this image is intolerable but it is obvious there has been too much work done on it to achieve some sort of balance between the elements.It is useless to say what you should have done here since you sound like you know already but I think what bothers me the most are the washed out highlites above the tree line and of course in the water.From experiance with many failures I have learned to be judicious with the curve tweaking especially in green areas such as golf courses..too much and all of your subtle nuances in tonal structure become lost in oblivion.From a golf point of view it would have been more effective to have some sort of focal point to draw the eyes to other than just elemental layers if you know what I mean.Using a green complex or a bunker can really help in breaking up the image interest,here I am not sure what your intentions were for eye contact.Cropping some of the sky off would take your horizon off dead center and lead the eyes back into the fairway and water but in this case would also emphasize the washed out areas even more.I still think the cropping though would be your best bet since it would tighten up your composition and make it easier to view.I feel for you Chris,I just uploaded a golf shot where I should have used an ND filter to keep the sky from burning out plus the entire image suffers terribly from noise..but as here,I thought the image had some intrinsic value so I took the plunge!Sorry for the rambling but I love to comment on golf images..keep shooting!
  7. Very simple and lovely in both composition and color.The refraction of the water gives an abstract feel to this that sets it apart from just another fish shot.Nice sense of 3D to add to the interest level which is high...well done.
  8. Segio,this has the potential of being something really nice but is flawed by the washed out highlites.I also think that the two rocks on either side of the middle one are distracting and gives a tight feeling to the composition.Love the sand and water...
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