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Image Comments posted by thomas_turk

    Light and shade

    Agree..Superb lighting and exposure. I would have tilted the camera down a little to get less sky and a little more foreground to make the pix more earthy. see The Tao of Photography by Tom Ang. Film would have given the colors more natural vibrancy.


    Blank off (crop) all to the left off the lady's elbow, and notice how the composition becomes much more strict and clear. The distracting bright ground on her right is now gone. A splash of sun on her face would have improved the shot, after all her face is more interesting/important than the water can labelled with toxic soya oil. (all non fermented soya products are extremely damaging to health. Mary Enig PhD. The Weston Price Foundation)

    Center of Verbena

    Composition strict and clear BUT...Too fuzzy wuzzy. Maybe just the very front and/or back out of focus would have given us enough depth and dimension. Side or back lighting would have given more drama. Colors usual drab digital Nature deserves film.
  1. The square tower in the background detracts from the superb wire. Maybe shooting from a higher camera posn, so that the wire is placed midway in the field, that losing the tower, would give a stricter composition.


    Great background, composition fine showing stem. Lighting a bit flat, missing shadows to give depth. Back lighting would have made it stunning, side lighting better than now.


    Overhead sun gave her a mustache, and hid the eyes. Either side light or very soft fill flash would have helped. Composition is strict and clear. Perspective and camera position are fine. Shirt, being the bright part, is well exposed. see photos4u.dk for effects in lighting from Ole in Denmark, a master of light and composition.


    A slower shutter speed would have created blurr of the right hand, to as to make the shot dynamic. Camera swung a little to the right would have the 2 fellas shadows in full, and also given less tailplane shadow detail, for a more strict composition. Lighting and exposure are excellent.
  2. Excellent exposure, natural film color, great lighting on Marylin. Composition is not strict nor clear, as we have red shirted Rocky leaping around, adding distracting dynamics to the stationary model. Furthermore, George in blue, behind her, and clutching his belly, should have been more out-of-focus. He also distracts. She shows a natural relaxed pose, but.. with all that unnecassary upper background, we could have had more of her legs shown, from a camera tilt down..
  3. Horizon too near the middle makes the shot a little boring. Camera could have been tilted up a little more for an ethereal shot, or tilted down more, capturing more dark, interesting foreground, for an earthy shot. Either way would have been better. Exposure is spot on, and there is plenty of darrrk in the pix for balance.
  4. The exposure is excellent as is the perspective, BUT.. the tree and the cloud are competing to be the main subject. The brilliant whites distract. Go to photos4u.dk, and see the landscapes of ole jenson, the master of light and composition. A great learning site.
  5. Congratulations for using film for nature. You captured the natural colors that give it life. Spot on exposure, and speed. The blurred wings add dynamism to the shot. If I blank off, crop, the top of the pix, put the hummer near the top, and thereby lose the distracting-with-bright-spots leaf, the composition becomes much more strict and clear. Quite enough interest in flower and bird.

    A Portrait

    Great contrast of background to subject. Exposure purrrfect, specially his top. Natural relaxed pose, not staring at cam. Me no complain, as they say in Thailand.

    Best friends

    Staring at the camera is too contrived (artificial) Staring lovingly into each others eyes would have been more natural.. and would have added emotion to the shot. Slightly overexposed. Composition is strict and clear.

    Breaking waves!

    Nature only lacks color in moonlight. Composition wise, you could have eliminated the guy on the right, looking for oysters on the rocks. He is not in on the conference. That would have made a more strict pix. Blank him off and see. Exposure superb. Balance of dark and lite in the pix is great.


    Superb lighting and exposure. Great balance of dark and lite. Maybe just crop a bit off the right of the photo to make it more strict.

    The blu one

    I would have tilted the camera down, gotten more of the interesting foreground, and thereby achieved a more earthy, darker, and mysterious. feel. The sky reflections are on the water anyway. Maybe drop the angle so that just the first bright gap in the clouds show. Blank the rest of the sky off, and feel the effect. Superb exposure, great balance of lite and dark.


    Some sun lighting the childs face, and then a stop down to dull the overbright hat, and to add more dark for balance, would have helped. See Rembrandts Old Man With Turban, for light and dark effects. He painted two stops down, 400 years ago! Would Robert Passinet care to comment, instead of sending me nasty, childish, abusive emails, re my comments, and hiding behind unhelful ratings, 1300 so far!

    Battle Creek Woods

    Excellent lighting and exposure. Interesting cam position and perspective. Composition is not strict nor clear.All trees apart from main subject tree should be out of focus, f4 or better. What does photo expert record-rating-giver Robert Passinet think, or.. is he writing another childish, abusive email to me on seeing my comments.


    I would repeat the shot . Come up closer. Then any part to the right of the model will be cropped off, as well as most of the dull foreground. Then, a low camera position would put her just above the rocks and make the shot 'different' The rocks can go out of focus at f4 so as to accentuate the model and add depth. Then TWO stops down so that only her dress is correctly exposed, to give plenty of darrrk in the pix for balance. What does our famous unhelpful-ratings- 'photo-expert' Mr Rober Passinet think? (Apart from commenting on the title!)


    The exposure is good. The composition is neither strict nor clear. The colors are digital- synthetic, as to be expected in nature shots. The slighltly-out-of-focus foreground leaves are disturbing. Ideally they shoild create a frame or partial frame to the pix, and not be scattered thru-out. See The Tao of Photography by Tom Ang for the compositiion point, and the leaves aspect.

    barn owl

    F4 for an out of focus background would have accentuated the bird, and given dimension to the pix. Slightly overexposed whites. A darker photo would have added more balance to the composition. Lack of fine textures shows that experimental digital again failed to give us the life and vibrancy of nature, that only film can. Colors dull digital. Digits are great for kitchen cupboard renovation projects, not nature. That requires film.
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