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Posts posted by asimh

  1. Vanessa, perhaps actually stating why you feel you can "receive" a free wedding photo service might help your case here. Perhaps a 200 word statement or less. Trying to be "cheap" (not saying that you are, just hypothesizing here) is really not a good reason, no matter how much $$ it saves. People here make $ to earn a living (and to pay for all that expensive L glass!). Or perhaps this is some sort of joke.


    Marc, please tell me that was just a "joke" image and not really Al.

  2. nice shots. how did you scan them in and what dpi settings did you use? idk if it is just me, but i am noticing substantial compression artifacting on several of them. but, i know PN also screws up a few of my pics too which i know are fine, so who knows.
  3. marc,

    the reason i was asking is b/c the size of the framing you used there to me doesn't look like it is the original framing. it looks like it was cropped on the sides. while i rarely disagree with the way you frame things, for some reason the fact that the girl has her left eye/forehead cropped off is a bit disconcerting to me. in fact, to me, her face is the most catching part of that shot for me - it is the humor that contrast with the seriousness of the dress. that is creative license and we can agree to disagree on framing. but, i did want to make sure that you did in fact crop the shot.

  4. kevin, not to sound ...<insert word that is escaping me at the moment>... but all digital cameras in the past and near forseeable future will be obsolete at some point in time. at that rate, it's foolish to spend any money then on digital b/c it'll be obsolete. the question is, can the unit do whatever you want it to do when you get it. if so, and the benefits outweigh the costs - which can be different for each person - then get it. of course, i still shoot film only and don't have a DSLR. i have a near organic experience everytime i see slides on the light table.


    as far as lenses for the original question, many people use a tamron 28-75 f2.8 (including myself on my elan iie) and have very good results with it, at a fraction of the canon counterpart's price.

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