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Image Comments posted by danwertz


    Super Duper! I have tried many times to get a shot like this but I am way too slow on the trigger finger. The flaw for me is that it seems a little over sharpened. You can see it most in the noise of the flower

    Ice Queen-3

    Wow, even more impressive that it was not created in a studio. It must have been one of those really foggy SF days. I know you have heard it a thousand times before, but one more time will not kill you. You are truly an inspirational photographer. If I can some day emulate your ability to create photographs that I am passionate about, I will have become a very fortunate man. Take Care.

    Ice Queen-3


    While I think the whole series is wonderful, I agree that this one fits the title the best of the three. I also like the aesthetics of this photo the best. A long winded way of saying this is my favorite. Icy cold to be sure, but it makes me kind of warm when I look at it. May I ask a question? Was the post processing very involved? Or was most of the look achieved via lighting and studio setup.




    Super! Are you taking a picture of me? I think it goes without saying that the photographer is beautiful. Some people do not like the background. I for one like it. I guess it depends on what you were trying to do. I see a picture of a photographer taking a picture, and what photographer cares what is behind them. It is what is in front of the lens that counts.

    Eucalyptus #1


    A Eucalyptus tree came down in our yard in the last wind storm. I

    broke out the camera before I broke out the chain saw. Any comments

    are welcome. Thanks.



    Thanks Alex,


    You are indeed correct. After doing a little research I feel kind of stupid. Who besides you, knew that bees have 4 wings and flies only two? I guess I did not need to run screaming when they buzzed me.

  1. I like it as well. I know it is digital but it looks like it had a little soft focus under an enlarger. The shadows bleed just a little. it makes for a nice effect. As I look at the picture, I find I am wishing I could see a tad more to the left.
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