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Image Comments posted by stato19

  1. The horse could have been eleminated to improve this image. It looks as though he's ready to raise his tail and dump a load on the head of the man with the cane. It would have also helped o center the men in the picture and to move in for a closer shot. It would have hurt if they had looked towards the camera. kEEP SHOOTING.
  2. Nice shot! If you could have extended the framing on the left it would have improved the picture. I guess you can't go back and do it again. As it is, it still good shot.Good work.
  3. This is a nice bird shot. Obviously, this is a crop. The top of the frame is cropped to close to the head of the bird. You can almost feel the bird ducking the top of the frame. Also the image is not very sharp. Its often helpful to take several shot of a subject. That way you have different images to work with and you improve your chances of success. Shooting birds is hard. Nice try.


    The shoreline in this photo distracts from the subject, which is the large tree in the center of the frame. Perhaps it would work better if you changed your angle of so the sky makes up more of the background. Also the branches on the right should go. Sometimes its helpful to shot a subject from all kinds of angles and different lighting. Nice try, though.
  4. This is an excellent shot, but I wonder if it wouldn't have benefited from a little fill. Overall a really nice shot. The composition really works for this one. Good job.



    This picture was taken in early fall. I enhanced the sky to bring out

    the clouds. Otherwise, image is as shot. This is a shot of a pond

    located in of all places a cemetery. Land framing would not work for

    variuos reasons.

  5. This image seems a bit too busy. The out of focus painting in the foreground should go. You might even consider removing the chair from the image. Lastly the clips on the table cloth and chair need to disappear. A magician should never show what goes on behind the scene.


    This image tries but falls short of its goal. The lighting it too flat and there is no originality in the perspective. Perhaps you should have backed up or zoomed out a bit.

    Rhino #1

    Put my hands up to the screen to frame image. It could use a tighter crop. Slightly different angle on the eye would be an improvement. Otherwise, an excellent shot. Nice and sharp. Great subject. Lighting is ok. Good shot even as is.
  6. There are a lot of problems with this image. To begin with the composition is wrong. Perhaps you should zoom out. This would give you a better perspective on the subject. The dark area a t the bottom is just so much dead space. I would suggest cropping but I don't think it would help. There seems to be a color cast. You should check your white balance if this is digital. You might want to try the shot over again. This image just does not work.
  7. This image was taken just before it begain to rain. The woods are

    quiet except for the rustling of leaves. Strong winds have already

    blown most of the leaves off the trees and the birds are headed south

    to their winter homes.

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