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Image Comments posted by stato19

    old shoe

    If you could get rid of the blades of grass it would greatly improve this image. Also,more of the shoe on the left should be showing or it should be eleminated altogether.


    I'm taken with your use of natural light in this shot.The composition works. The crop is a little tight but not so bad as to take much from the image. Well done.


    This is a very unusual floral presentation. It made me stop and look to see what was going on. Very nicely done. Would love to see other flowers with such a treatment.
  1. This shot made me stop and look. The composition is unique and very interesting. I don't possess the technical skills to critique it any further than that. Suffice it to say that, I like this shot.
  2. I don't want to rate this image low without explaining. So here goes. The composition is bad. There is no subject. If there is I can't figure out what it is. Nothing is in focus except for a few blades of grass. I guess there's supposed to be a bird in the picture but for the life of me I can't find him. I would suggest that you shoot the scene from different angles and choose the best of the lot.

    Monarch Beauty

    Nice shot. I would suggest that you do a little cropping. Also, try to shoot from an angle that will allow the background to be out of focus. Remember, when shooting insects, its important to be patient. Oh yeah! this on looks a little haggard. (wings damaged)


    This shot could use a little tighter crop on the left. Very charming photo. Lighten the left side of the baby's face a bit. The shadows on moms face could be lightene also. Nice shot.

    Monarch Butterfly

    I'm a sucker for a nice butterfly shot. This is a really nice one. Well executed. If I nit-pick, I would say it needs a little fill flash. As it is, its still a Really nice shot.


    MY biggest gripe with this image is that the shoulder seems to be the subject from the framing.The face of the bride looks as though it is crammed into the corner. It does not work for me.
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