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Image Comments posted by stato19

    Jessica 7

    The background without the extreme blur would not work. It's a really good shot. I would think that her hand on her knee should be showing. Even a tighter crop would work.


    To be honest Alec, this one doesn't work for me. The exposure and color are ok. She seems unatural in her pose, though. The crop also leaves something to be desired. The leaves and the crack near her head is distracting. This one is not up to the standard of the rest of your potraits.


    This one is my favorite. The composition is on the money. The subject is compelling. It makes you wonder about the history of this place. How could two objects, so crucial to survival, fall into such disrepair. Was it the passing of time or did they just become obsolete. A really good shot.

    Canada Goose 2


    This image has been cropped to the square format. It seems to work

    better than a rectangular one. I hate to submit another goose shot

    but this one seems worthy of a critique.


    I like this image. I imagine that its amanipulated image' It works, in any event. If its not manipulated and you were standing in front of that ball, I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Great Egret

    You've nailed the exposure in this shot. The white is hard to get right in a shot like this. The composition is what it should be. The fish in the mouth adds to th subject and makes it more interesting. This works. Well done!


    This image suffers from a blue cast. I would lighten it a bit and reduce the contrast reduce. There is nothing really wrong with this image that can't be fixed in a matter of minutes in Photoshop.

    Team Trials


    This was shot through a fence. Tried to angle myself so I could

    include spectators in the shot. These spectators are hopefuls trying

    out for the US Freestyle Team. The kayaker in the water is a member

    of the team already. The shot was taken from quite aways off.


    Salman, Thanks for your comments. Thank you all. Glad you liked the image. I did not use the channel mixer on it. Image was desaturated and treated to some filters in PS. The black spots are because at one stage it was posterized. There was also some dodging and burning done. It is really an experiment. I'm trying to get away from the straight forward portraits and make my images more interesting.
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