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Image Comments posted by mia_friedrich

  1. Hi Chris,


    i like the picture a lot and especially the colors.

    I'm not sure about the framing though, i think i would have put it on black to make it shine more.

    great job!



  2. .....the title " Castle of the Dead" is important, because it's the fence of a graveyard. To me it symbolizes the borderline between dark and light/ life and death. Without the title in the picture, it could be just *any* fence...

    to me the symbolic background is the most important part of most of my pictures.


  3. Hi there,

    thanks everybody for your comments.

    The light: it was 6 am and still almost dark. The light is coming from the left/front as you can see at the reflexion on the wall. There were dark clouds on top and therefore the sun light appeared more glowing than usual.

    I changed the contrast a little bit that's all.




    Thanks James for the tips and the welcome!

    I chose this pic especially because it's a little bit more " unconventional" and i wanted to see how the guys around here are reacting to that.

    I like typo and graphic elements with a photo, but i know this is not " common" yet and most people prefer just the photo and nothing else.

    thanks again for taking the time.



    North By Northwest


    Hi there Jenny,


    i like this picture a lot. I'm sorry, i don't have any ideas for a title right now, but i think it should have to do with the two boats facing the same direction and being kind of " close" ...

    almost like sisters......




    I like this version much better than the first one. Especially the letters.

    I'm not sure about the sequence of the owls....i think i would place #1 in the center...

    great job!



    Hi there, i'm new in this community and try to figure out how

    everything works.....this is one of my latest pictures. It's tire

    marks of a truck in a near by gravel pit.

    I'm happy to get some comments and get to know some of you this way.


    regards from Ontario/Canada


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