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Image Comments posted by t._n._williams

    Remember 3


    I like this one. There is something in his face and his stance that I can feel. No technical advice, wouldn't presume to know enough to give you any. But I can say that this touches me. For me that is how I value a picture. Take it for what it is worth.



  1. I don't generally do caged wildlife. But my son fell in love with this beautiful creature. And I know that were he not in the cage he would not be alive. He was rescued by the local raptor group, his wing can never be re-attached, he will never fly again. But he does tour the schools and educates our children to respect the wild that we share the land with. This time of year he is on display for the tourists educating them, and raising money to continue the rescue of other raptors in our area. There is always a volunteer from the raptor center with him. To keep people from abusing him and to explain his importance.
  2. no special filter. If I remember correctly this shot was taken late into the evening, like 9 or 10 pm. I also live in an area where the sky comes in varying shades of grey. thank you for the input. I do appreciate it. Any ideas how to turn grey skies to blue?
  3. I like the glow your birds seem to all share. For this one I just can't decide if the "grass" in the foreground is a distraction/detraction, or if it is a part of the appeal. I do like the image tho.


  4. I spent the day with stink. We had walked through the fireweed to look at spawning(smelly) salmon. Got the inspiration to take her picture. Being the princess she is, she posed. Not what I really wanted.


    beautiful and disturbing. the wide eyes with the pensive mouth make her look terrified. which makes the shot even more believable as a middle eastern shot. even if it was only shot in michigan.


    i know you named this serenity, but it makes me giggle. the wind formed trunks of the trees make them look as though the trees are dancing to an unknown melody. i find naturally "deformed" trees far more interesting than cookie cutter perfection.
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