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Image Comments posted by t._n._williams

  1. Thanks for the comments. You really didn't need to. As for my focus issues......... well I haven't master the art of holding a camera still with 6 urchins in tow, at least not always.


    I have to admit like a trashy comic book you already have me hooked here. I am waiting for the next one. What do they want? Good thing they are cute, otherwise I would be afraid. Thanks for the series.



    Mothers Lap 2


    There are like 6 "eraser" like smudges from her crown to shoulder. There are a couple more further down as well. I say eraser because it reminds me of eraser drag. They are coming out of her hair/body and into the background. Just wondering what they are. And if it is an artistically intentional thing. I do like the emotion conveyed on her face. Looks like it was a long day.



    Ireland Flowers


    I wish you could have gotten the tip of the fence barb in the picture. Kind of barbs of man vs barbs of nature. But then again, I don't generally notice flower pictures and this one did catch my attention.



  2. Good catch. But image is too small for me to enjoy the details of his face and skin. In this size he seems blurry. But that could be my eyesight. Great catch again. And I like the "pose" he looks almost dare I say cute.



  3. Good start. I think I would like to see the tent and people in the background a little more clearly, maybe I am the only one who sees them at all. There is something about the arm that is too distracting. The forearm is twisted in a way that looks unnatural for the handing over of a flower. But the idea is great, the excecution just needs work. This being said........... If I tried this I would do better with crayola than with PS so you are definately far more talented than I in this area.



    Full Moonset


    sorry for the misinterpretation. my remark was not meant as a slight only an observation of similarity. I got a nostalgic twinge, and a more than childish sense of glee at seeing this. Again, for me the experience was a good thing





    I think it might be interesting to crop out the mouth and shadowed side of face. I held my hands up to the screen and thought it looked interesting. I like the image as is also. Just a fiddle thought.




    Next time you may want to take the shot standing over the critter more. So you can capture more of his face, eyes if possible. Without your explanation I was left guessing between hedge hog and burr. On the other hand the color ahnd clarity is wonderful. Good catch. t.
  4. thank you. I guess I got so stuck on the fireweed being taller than her that I was trying to save it. Doesn't mean much to anyone who hasn't met her, how would you know that she is 4"10" making that fireweed over 5' tall. Takes a cooler head with more perspective than me. Thanks again.



    Old Barn


    I like the old and abandoned. I like the "found still life" of this. It almost seems too clean tho. Maybe that is the appeal, a ruin that is not covered in filth......... Good Job!





    I would say this is the background to use. At least for this pose and profession. I looked at the other photos in the folder and it was hard to know that this was a firefighter in the others. This one however........ before I read your comments I knew it was a firefighter, that 9/11 connection. Because only the very crown of the hat is seen and he is in a t-shirt. He could just be a construction worker.


    I do like the picture and the pose. I think it all works well together.





    Actually, for some toddlers..... this isn't far enough. There are harnesses where the buckle is located on the child's back, NO chance of escape.


    I like the picture, although I am wondering what are they looking at?? even the parents seem interested.





    The concrete is a little distracting to me.... but my son just peeked over my shoudler and said he needs to go there and swim in the waterfall. You caught his eye, usually he tells me to turn off the computer.



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