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Image Comments posted by gcanyon

    Three Ducks

    Hi Wayne...this is a wonderful image. Very dynamic, as the ducks fly into the white space. I agree that a little tighter cropping would help, but am reluctant to clutter up the image with subject. I think the negative space adds real power to this image. Rick



    This woman is from a small village in India. She is visiting an

    ophthalmic screening camp for eye problems. The hand on the right

    is that of the ophthalmologist, and she is demonstrating to him her

    eye problem. I thought her hands were very beautiful and was lucky

    to get this capture. I very much appreciate your comments and

    critiques. Rick

    High Tech Child


    Hi Ibrahim,

    Here is the original of the photograph. The highlights on Snow White were lost in the original capture because the exposure time was 1/2 second (it was dark where he was watching it). So...I had to add back the image and then blend it in. Rick


    High Tech Child

    Hi Liu, I like your changes. It tightens up the image, and focuses greater attention on his face (which now has a bit more contrast). Thanks for the suggestion! Rick

    High Tech Child


    My 2-year grandson was mesmerized watching Snow White and the Seven

    Dwarfs on a portable DVD player with wireless headphones. It is

    amazing to me that such technology is available. But then.....I

    took this photograph on a digital camera, and am sharing it with you

    on the internet. More amazing yet. As always, thank you for your

    comments and critiques. Rick



    Hi Liu,

    This really is a very powerful and beautiful image. Thank you very much for the PS credit. It is a real pleasure for me to have connected with you. Rick

    Sacred light

    This is a really beautiful image. The mixture of the sun's rays and the flock of birds give real motion to the photograph, while the foreground buildings add stability. This is one of my favorites. Rick

    Last Queen

    The smoothness and flawless perfection of her skin, between the roughness of the wall, and the texture of the fabric. The absence of tonal range. It is breathtaking.

    Berber girl

    Absolutely wonderful eyes and face. Such a beautiful expression. The desaturation of her face causes it to blend beautifully into the background wall. Lovely. Rick

    We are famileee!

    Howard, this is another wonderful human photo from you. It makes me feel that the 'we' in 'we are family' include all of us, not just your 3 models. The soft gaze of the father, and the intense look of the little girl on the right are just perfect. My only suggestion (IMHO) is that I would have kept the whiteout on the basketball at the same level as the teeshirt of the little girl on the right....so that there was more of a flow across of the image at the bottom. But this is trivial compared to your great capture. Rick


    I appreciate your humility....but the manner in which you combine your images and your textures is uniquely special and beautiful. And I doubt very much that I am alone in feeling this way.

    The Fence

    Howard...the colors you present leave an almost water-color feel. The detail in the fence drawing your eye to the giant mural. An everyday sight that you have converted into a beautiful painting. Rick
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