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Image Comments posted by gcanyon

  1. Rossen....this is a marvelous image. Your use of her hair to outline her torso is wonderful. The only suggestion I could offer would be to try to hold the shadows on the lower left of her face. It is too dark for my taste. But still a great picture. Rick
  2. Alan...you have succeeded in taking an ordinary scene, one that we see every day, and converting it to something very special. Great artistic eye. When I squint at this photo, the circular reflection of the sun really jumps out against the straight lines of the bench and railing. I much prefer this over the color version -- the color version conveys too much information for this beautiful geometric image.


    This is one of the most photographed bridges in the world. And yet...you captured a unique perspective. That is very hard to do. Congratulations! Rick

    Golden summer day

    I'm late in coming to this image, but I like it very much. I have taken lots of pictures of poppies, but this one is special. The camera angle, the grouping of the poppies, and the dramatic sky create a very unique perspective and image. It really is stunning.
  3. Scott....I'm late coming to this image, but it is breathtaking. I don't think you fooled too much with Mother Nature. You have captured a feeling here, regardless of what the scene "really" looked like. I am reminded of the sketches that John Wesley Powell made of the Grand Canyon. They too captured a feeling, without being a hard photograph of "reality". Anyway, this is just stunning. Congratulations. Rick
  4. Justin...this is a lovely gentle image. The soft grays of the cheek against the background produce a beautiful effect. The moisture drops add even more. I like that we cannot see the baby's eyes, as it adds a more dreamy feel to the image. My only suggestion would be to highlight the center of the image a bit, and perhaps drop the background a bit, so that the eye is drawn more naturally to the line of the baby's face.


    I appreciate your comments very much. I hadn't thought about not mentioning the woman, because I had seen her flirting with the other two men before she selected the man on the right. But, you're right. It makes for a picture that asks more questions than it answers. Unfortunately, I can't seem to edit the comment portion of the posting. Rick

    Prophet Love

    The irony in this picture is just too much. Setting the sign as color, against the black and white of the image, works well in this case. I only wish I could see the face of the 'Prophet Love'.

    Santillana del Mar

    I'm late coming to this image....but this is just an amazing capture. Having just returned from Spain, I saw many scenes similar to this, and tried to capture them. But I did not get close to this picture. The reflections off the red tiles, set against the flat gray-green walls, produces a set of horizontal and angular lines that is stunning. When I squint at this picture, the patterns jump right off the image at you. Great shot!



    This photograph was taken at a fair in downtown Lisbon, Portugal.

    The three friends were talking; when I looked again, the woman and

    man were kissing. It was a sweet moment, and I tried to capture it

    in this photograph.


    This is just a fabulous shot! Absolutely perfect. I just read your bio about low ratings, and have no idea how anyone could rate this a 4. Your photography inspires me very much. Rick

    Yellow Rose

    Hi Cathy....I love the softness of this image. The lines of the petals extending below the flower into the green are what first caught my eye. My only suggestion to you would be to burn the lighter blue in the upper left, and then dodge the rose to the right, drawing the eye to the lower right of the image. But either way, this is lovely. Rick

    Devils Garden


    Taken in Devil's Garden, which is part of Arches National Park in

    Utah. The storm was rolling in, and the redrocks against the dark

    sky were beautiful.


    This is a repost of this image, with much better balance in the

    shadows. PS has a real learning curve.


    Thanks for your comments.

    Cuban Princess

    An absolutely wonderful marvelous portrait! I love everything about it. Your use of the orange empty space is just right. This is one to write home to mother about (but having read your biography, I'm not sure that will be so simple). I may have seen you perform once in Munich. Tall thin neck?


    This is a great image. The contemplative look on the ape's face is wonderful. The shiny texture of his hand and face add real depth to the picture. You captured it at just the right moment.


    This is a unique and beautiful image. I love the effects you have applied, including the substantial amount of burning of the sky. I agree with an earlier commentator, that the artifacts arounds the tree branches are distracting. It looks like the selection needs some work. But....this is a quibble. Overall, this (and the others in the series) are to be proud of. Rick
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