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Everything posted by bob_salomon

  1. Someone sold a Kardan TE for $40.00? Have you checked with the police? It should be many times that price in complete, working condition.
  2. Just contact the Toyo tech rep for Mac. Whoever it is is not going to jump on you. And they are usually factory trained. On line here you don't really know what you will get. Especially since you probably don't want to invest in a third back. After all, you are a supporter of their equipment already.
  3. Why not contact the Mac Group and ask them? They are the distributor for the USA as you can see from the bottom line of your link in your post above.
  4. For parts for Linhof contact Bob at Precision in Niles, IL or Rim at Nippon in NYC. If the parts are for the old Linhof Kardan or Kardan Color the factory no longer has those parts.
  5. You should wish the seller a good day.
  6. Looks like it came out of some type of copy machine or other type scanner.
  7. First of all, pin hole photography is not instant and no analog film system ever produced a print instantly. Today the easiest way to appear to do this is to bury a digital camera inside your pinhole camera and have it hooked up to an ink jet printer that you also bury inside the camera.
  8. Either see if you can find the correct scale or have a repair company make you a proper scale.
  9. If a bellows is leaking light the only real cure is to replace the bellows as once it develops leaves it will continue to develop new ones, risking ruining future shots.
  10. The only acceptable light leak is none. Go into a closet with your favorite flashlight and put it inside the bellows to see where all your light leaks are coming from and then replace the bellows.
  11. Thomas, if you shoot from the same spot, at the same angle, perspective does not change at all. The field of view changes but not the perspective. To change the perspective shoot at a different angle. The shorter lens will increase foreshortening though.
  12. Also look at a Linhof Rapid Rollex. Holds film flat and slips under the gig.
  13. 1962 and it is a IV, Linhof never made a VI in any format. After the V the replacement models are all Master Technikas.
  14. That was mine too, it was pretty but there was no way to see how many responses to questions or when they were made. Strange.
  15. But Rodenstock's 90mm for the past 2+ years is the 90mm SW. Not the HR and no Rollei 90 will hold up to this latest 90 at any image scale from 1:1 to infinity. Here, check for yourself: http://www.rodenstock-photo.com/en/lenses-for-digital-photography/90-mm-5-6-hr-digaron-w
  16. And, regardless if they do or do not easily fit, they will offer no where near the performance of a digital lens on a medium format digital back. All you end up really doing is wasting time and raising your ultimate cost for a digital lens.
  17. The CombPlan T is the easiest to load, is totally daylight, except for loading the film, has very even development with its inversion agitation, has a very small footprint and is also a forced film washer if you attach a hose to the bottom connector of the tank. Then all that you would need after development is a line to hang the film on and flip clips or clothes pins.
  18. A Master Technika, Technika 2000 or 3000 or a V are fully capable of movements with 75 and shorter lenses, as long as the proper lens board and/or adapter is used. And Jochan, not all 90mm lenses on a Technika require a recessed board. The 90mm 4.5 Grandagon N and the older Grandagon use a flat board.
  19. Not only do you need the correct size and opening you also have to have the proper type of board. If your camera will need some type of recessed board so your lens can focus to infinity a flat board will not work. Similarly, if your camera does not have enough bellows extension for a lens that you want to use at infinity, or to squeeze a bit of extra magnification in a close up then you will need a top hat type board, not a flat one.
  20. If your camera has an International back then this back will work. If your camera does not have an International back then you will need a slip-in holder that slides in under the ground glass of your camera. An example of this type is the Linhof Rapid Rollex. But there are lots of others. This type will fit all 45 cameras, with or without an International back.
  21. Nippon Photo in Manhattan. Or go to Foto Care.
  22. Any camera repairman can clean and adjust a leaf shutter. Just take if to the closest one.
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