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  1. <p>Hi Diego, thank you for your response and good points as well.<br> Yes you are right, the used lens, no matter how good the condition stated, would be difficult to just assume a CLA is not required.<br> I think you and Evan have given me enough to consider moving forward. The C lens I have is a wonderful lens and I have no trouble working with it.<br> Hope you have a great 2017.<br> Thanks again.<br> Neil</p>
  2. <p>Hi Evan,<br> Merry Christmas and thank you for your response. To clarify the $500 quote is for the lens only.<br> I will consider what you have said though and will also wait to hear more if you or others have additional thoughts on this.<br> Thanks again.<br> Neil</p>
  3. <p>Hi,<br /><br />Hope your holiday plans are coming along well. <br /><br />I need some feedback on whether to upgrade or CLA existing equipment.<br /><br />I own a Hasselblad 100mm C lens (1970); bought from KEH 4 years ago.<br /><br />I have in the past year worked with it and will continue to work with this same lens on 500CM body to photograph dioramas in my studio and (digital) print for exhibitions at 24 x 24 inches.<br /><br />The lens is a bit tight without the focusing, and has some dust in it. I sent it to Dave Odess and received a CLA quote for $500. (I will have the body and one of the A12 backs CLA'd as well as I maintain my equipment well.)<br /><br />Then I saw this and wondered if it is worth the upgrade or move forward with the CLA for the lens by Dave Odess?<br /><br />http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hasselblad-100mm-3-5-CF-Lens-Beautiful-Condition-/232177584351?hash=item360edcc8df:g:TDAAAOSw44BYVUaJ<br /><br />I only have experience working with a C lens and printing to the stated size.<br /><br />If you have experience printing images at the same or larger size from images shot with the 100mm CF lens listed above then I would appreciate your feedback and thoughts on the advantages over the C lens and if you think it is worth the upgrade.<br /><br />I am in no hurry so if this lens goes it's not the end of the world for me. Just gathering information for now.<br /><br />Thank you in advance and I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2017.<br /><br />Neil</p>
  4. <p>All of you have made some very good points for me to consider; very knowledgeable group of professionals I must add.<br> It's not the end of the world for me with the current setup given some of the suggestions that might enable me to move forward (thoughts on wider lenses and digital workflow from Rodeo Joe included which I will not get into as I think there are enough in other forum posts for me to go through).<br> Thank you all very much.<br> Neil</p>
  5. <p>Hi, thanks for responding so promptly.<br> @ Jochen Schrey, yes, you are right that there will be a loss of two stops. Using f/22 I can achieve depth of field for 3' but I have to be around 6' from the subject. Not all of the subjects benefit from being photographed at 6'. Changing the look with a slightly wider lens may work in this case. <br> @ M. Darnton, no, the limitation would not work.<br> @ David Bebbington, I will be shooting only in the studio with the large format. So what you have a suggested so far in conjunction to what Schrey and Darnton have suggested, helps. What make of lens do you suggest? What other equipment or entry level setup do you suggest I look into?<br> Thank you again.<br> Neil</p>
  6. Hi,<br /><br />I am looking to transition from Medium Format to Large Format photography. The work I do will be mostly in my studio. This will include photography of specific objects and dioramas that cover for example, an area of 6x6 feet with a depth of 3 feet.<br /><br />I currently use a Hasselblad 500cm, and have only used a f3.5 100mm planar C lens, A12 backs, and prism view finder. I develop my own film, both color, and black and white. The tripod I use is the Manfrotto 055XPRO3 with 498RC2 Midi Ball head.<br /><br />The images I create are for gallery shows. The largest prints I have made have been 24x24 inches, using 3rd party printing house within my area that uses a Hasselblad Flex scanner, and Epson 11880 printer.<br /><br />I wish to get an idea of the equipment I will need to achieve depth of field greater than my current setup. I looked into a Flexbody, but I have read on Photonet that there are limitations with this and will need to buy additional equipment (lenses, tripod support, etc).<br /><br />So I thought I would transition to Large Format (4x5) entry level. If someone could kindly provide some suggestions to what combination of equipment I will need for the above mentioned work, I would greatly appreciate your time and input.<br /><br />Thank you<br />Neil Marcello<br />
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