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Everything posted by peteraitch

  1. <p>Shiang, I have the clone: a Benro 4-section CF tripod. This scenario happens with mine, so I rotate the locks back until they are <em>just </em>starting to lock and the sections stay put. It only seems to happen with the lowest, thinnest legs - the others are all fine (in fact a couple of top ones are even slightly stiff). I don't lock them more than I have to, as leaving them too tight would ultimately damage the mechanism.</p> <p>I would have thought that a Gitzo original shouldn't have this problem but of course I don't know how close my g-lock copy is. The rumour was always that they are "identical" and that the design was stolen from Gitzo when they outsourced manufacturing to China.</p>
  2. Choose your own constraints: Focus? (Auto/manual/fixed/none) Medium? (Plate/Film/Digital sensor) Type? (B&W/Colour/ Positive/Negative) Lighting? (Studio/Assisted/Natural) Subject?<div></div>
  3. <p>Came across some Mullein Moth caterpillars (Cucillia verbasci) on [the remains of] one of our plants on Monday. This one tried to get away, so I photographed its attempted flight!</p> <p>I <em>think</em> it was then eaten when my back was turned, despite its warning colour scheme...</p><div></div>
  4. No idea why I selected F13 for this shot! Senior moment? Replaced this lens with the (better) VR version a few weeks after taking this.<div></div>
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