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Image Comments posted by wdgraham


    This chap looks like he is in a race and it gives me the feeling I am watching one. Good moment good framing, good picture.


    Nice picture, well composed and exposed. I feel that the frame could go or perhaps it might look better if it was moved to the edge of the frame.
  1. This was a hand held grab shot, I took it at the Cornwall show with a

    Nikon D300, Nikon 28-105, f8, 200 ISO shutter set to 1000 sec metering

    was set to centre weighted average. This is about a quarter crop, a little

    work was done in levels and some noise was added. I would love your


    King of the castle


    Shot this with a 28-105 Nikon, I am always amazed just how good this

    lens is. The beetle was in exactly that position. I did isolate the

    flower from the background and a new one as I shot it at F11, I felt

    it needed a to be softer. The back ground was hand painted then


    Summer Rain


    It has been a very wet summer in England. I spent one very wet

    afternoon in the back garden. This is a black and white conversion of

    a colour picture I took on that day. Please tell me what you think

    about this black and white conversion. Thank you.

  2. This is a difficult subject in many ways, you have dealt with it very well. The photograph captures the atmosphere of this sad event. Very well composed, it gives prevalence to its subject and the understanding and reverence the event deserves.

    I have not seen anything like it on this site before so it is very original and I must say, well done.

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