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Image Comments posted by ajpn



    What is it they say... a portrait format is more often used for things like cathedrals with spires and therefore signifies a more spiritual aspect? Forget this square business, at least in this incidence. The vertical format 'works' here.


    I definitely wish the photographer would have moved to the left a half step and tried to center the body between the two crosses, 'possibly' having it closer to the lower left corner of the frame and including more distance. I say possibly because I have no idea what else was there, in that distance. In either case the body is what signifies this picture; the crosses enhance.


    A fine image. Thank you for sharing.

  1. Michael Seewald - I already stated this half way up the discussion: Square no, 5:4 possibly. Your crop looks about like a 5:4. I can live with that. I just didn't do much with many of the pictures from BM I posted here. Most of them are full frame. I believe it was referred to as 35mm-itis by someone here.


    My pictures here are more of a photographic record of what I saw there than a modification of what I saw. From my experience it is what is considered more acceptable on this site. The less you do the more respect you are likely to receive.


    There are a few things in my folder I played with, mostly with curves. And I eventually did do a series of 348 pictures (at least half of which were heavily modified and processed) for a presentation at a BM Decompression event in SF. I actually posted a couple here back in late October and I received comments like, 'disgusting', or 'why is out of focus?'


    So on this site we stick with close approximations of what we began with.

  2. Hey Robert, I'm okay with it. I'm always interested in what other ideas and suggestions people have to offer. In the best situation I'll learn something new, in the worst I can deny it, but most likely I'll learn something from it anyway. As far as your version goes, I think it is pretty damned interesting indeed. Strangely enough, I am sure there were more than a handful of people walking around there with some sort of mask-like contraption on that would have made them see it precisely that way.
  3. I?ve been thinking about this ?So what? comment and the more I do the more it aggravates me.


    Unless you have been to Burning Man, saying ?So what? to this image is akin to a man saying ?So what? to a women who is trying to explain what it is like to give birth.


    If you had been there you would say, ?Oh yeah, that is exactly what it is like.?


    On the other hand I really like the panorama crop Robert, and if it were my piece of art that is portrayed in the picture I might even think of doing it that way.


    I think Carl?s interpretation is exactly what I would hope would be made from this.


    Between taking about 6 pictures of this I had a great conversation with one of the artist?s responsible for this installation. That is what Burning Man is all about.

  4. Just for the sake of the discussion I am going to upload the image straight off the camera. As I stated before it was not cropped, and only a minor curves adjustment was applied (Enhance Per Channel Contrast). The image above is without any adjustments whatsoever.




    Thanks for your thoughts Doug. I can appreciate that comment coming from you. I wouldn't have picked this one myself either. I do like it, but I thought the previous version, which was posted a week before this version (I usually always post my favorite versions first) was the better of the two, albeit by a slight margin.


    If you place any merit in ratings though, this one would seem to be more aesthetically pleasing to the average viewer. Not only was the average higher but it received about 3 times the ratings. Personally, I'd like to say that ratings make no difference to me, but that would be a lie. From experience, I have to go with the numbers.

  5. And by the way, I do appreciate the commnets and suggestions, and I am not saying that higher contrast and making it more dramatic is not better, or less aesthetically pleasing, just that what I was going for in this case was the actual feeling I got while taking this picture.


    Dave N... it was taken at 4:22 PM. There is so much going on at BRC that trying to plan to be somewhere, say at High Noon... well, it's not likely to happen!

  6. Let's just forget the idea of square for once and for all. Square will not work, as the version posted above will ascertain. Personally, I like fixed ratios... 2:3 or 4:5 and occasionally square. But in this case this is pretty much exactly what I saw and I like that. Higher contrast (as the version posted early in the thread shows) may be more dramatic, but it also presents the image in a way it was not.


    The reason I left this image as is is because as anyone who has been to Burning Man will tell you, the dust storms are almost as much a part of the experience as the art or the people. This image portrays all three of those elements.


    This image was not cropped. I did a minor curves adjustment and that was it

    Bar Slide

    Dominique- thank you for your comments on the two photos. I'm not sure if a slight gap in the legs would looked better or not! It's possible. But in order to have gotten that I would have had to have had a different angle, which was impossible. I was up on a grandstand that is beside the park, but facing the other way. I stood at the top of the back row and looked down from the very corner. To my left was a 40 foot drop and to my right was a wall.

    Sun Worship


    The name is what makes this shot. Very amusing. The fronds are okay too, because you get that sort of stolen by stealth feel from it. I mean I can see someone sneaking around behind the bush thinking, I've got you now!


    That said, it's just a novelty photo to me. I bet you could sell it to the Sun though.

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