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ian cameron

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Image Comments posted by ian cameron

    Red rock castle

    Blimey thats good. I've been to Bryce got some terrific shots but it never looked as staggeringly gorgeous as this bit of it does. Pure magic. 7/7

    Equestrian daydreams

    Hi folks thank you again for your kind comments. It was a magical if transient moment and shows just how important light is for splashing colour back into a picture. Your quite right Herbert I confess I had a fungus feature in Amateur Photography.

    Ribbons of gold


    A sort of belated critique request since I have already had very

    encouraging comments on this photograph. Although I judged my timing

    quite nicely, I was very lucky that lens flare didn't consign this to

    the bin.

    Ribbons of gold

    Thank you for you early comments folks. As soon as I am able I will upload it for general viewing. This is a bit of a personal favourite so I'm glad it appears to be well received.

    Cairngorm cascade

    The water does look a bit chocolate doesn't it. Actually it is crystal clear and shallow, what your seeing is thousands of air bubbles streaming over tawny coloured rock. The slow exposure blurs these as well. If you look at the wee falls above the lower part of the river you can see the water isn't stained at all. The sky is genuine but darkened a touch by ND fliter and PS. curves.

    Gruinard Bay

    Thanks for the comments folks. I agree the boulder is absolutely essential. My initial thoughts were it's so damn big it fights with a very attractive background for attention which is why i tried to demphasise it by pushing it to one side. I couldn't go any further back without wings.

    Gruinard Bay


    An amazing view from this lofty overlook I think the boulder kissed

    by early morning light adds foreground interest, perhaps others might

    prefer it reduced in size or absent altogether, either way I wished

    there had been a wee fishing boat in the bay.

    Highland mirror


    The shoulders of land and the stony bank lead in a sinuous line

    through to the background brooding peak of Slioch for a slightly

    unusual vertical composition making use of the sky and its reflection.

    Reflective Calm

    Thank you for all your comments. The picture always seemed to me to be compositionally spot on. I have never had any inclination to move a leaf or garden it.

    Torridon cascade

    I would love to try a 5x4 field camera. I have a nasty feeling that if I did I might become addicted and considerably financially poorer. Thank you all for your comments. I felt the composition felt a bit too vertical and could do with a lower view point to shorten the apparent length of the river. Unfortunately that would have required a hyper hyper focal point to retain foreground to background focus.

    Crescent moon


    A magnificent twilight sky which would have been far to empty and

    windy a composition had it not been for that ever so important yet

    tiny crescent moon.

    Torridon cascade


    I had to focus hyperfocally to keep everything sharp front to back. A

    0.6ND grad filter was added to balance the background mountain and

    sky with the foreground.

    Shadowy cascade

    Totally correct with regard to the blue colouring of the water and I agree the shutter exposure is a bit long for my tastes too. Unfortunately I needed the depth of field as the falls are surprisingly deep fore to back.
  1. Thank you all for your comments. They are surprisingly variable, which I hasten to add is interesting. On a personal note I adore it. By the way the wall continues still further out to sea and is not therefore a horizon line.
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