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ian cameron

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Image Comments posted by ian cameron

    Groyne shadows


    Although the composition is some what split in two vertically,

    courtesy of the low view point I still think the fan of shadows is

    strong enough to draw attention away from a weaker sky than I would

    have liked.

  1. Hi Matthias, I am very surprised that you find the colours extreme they are actually a fraction diluted when compared with the original Velvia transparency. I assume your screen is calibrated.

    Walls - (23)

    Well I quite like it except perhaps the middle bluish white brick with its satelite white chip centre top 1/3. My eye rests there and doesn't want to tear itself away.
  2. A brief hole in the clouds allowed the sun to pierce through

    illuminating the lower falls at Glencoe. The added drama of the low

    angle sunlight added greatly to the impact of the picture.

    Lochindorb moor


    A final upload of this amazing place with it's vivid orange grasses

    juxtaposed against the blue of the lake. The colours are accurate

    and match the slide on my light box. Velvia and a polariser saturated

    the colours not photoshop.

    Burning bright

    Thanks Chris. It truly is this phenomenal colour. I have the original Velvia slide sitting next to me on a light box and I still can't quite believe it.

    Burning bright


    The second of three uploads of these vivid red grasses on top of

    Locindorb moor near Carrbridge in Scotland. A November sunrise has

    backlit the grasses making them glow like the embers of a fire. The

    distant blue mountains are the Cairngorms.


    Hi mumtaz thanks for your comments I'm glad you like the picture. I'm not sure what you mean about the blots, unless you mean the dark grey smudges. If that is what your referring too then this is simply the reflection of grey clouds scudding across a gloomy grey Scottish sky.
  3. I waited and the light did hit the island leaving the background dark. However the ladders were greatly diminished and it started to look like all the other shots of this famous little tree.

    Haybale sunset

    Hi Nigel. Thank you for your comments. Absolutely right the difference between the sky and the field was seven stops. I made the sky one stop brighter than mid tone and the field one stop darker. (I use a Pentax spot meter) Combining a two and three stop ND grad filter took care of the difference and reduced my exposure time to two minutes. Velvia suffers from a colour shift towards magenta when exposures exceed ten seconds. Never-the-less I find the effect quite pleasing and resisted the urge to correct in photoshop.

    Spartan pines

    It's amazing isn't it the white is a frosted scree slope sliding directly into the loch. If you look hard you will see tiny waterfalls and pine trees dotted along the far shore. This is one of my all time favourite pictures and hangs on a wall at home. Pure zen.



    It might be a bit pretentious to stick this in the fine art

    category. However it has a zen like quality and harmonious colours

    and it takes pride of place on my dining room wall. Hope you enjoy.

    Equestrian daydreams

    Thank you all for your generous comments. Though the light was quite fleeting I managed to get a considerable number of versions of this shot, carelessly throwing down £500.00 lenses with reckless abandon as I moved closer and changed view point. Don't worry I will spare you the uploads.



    This is the second of two horse in landscape pictures. The light was

    soft and beautiful and the nearest horse was a spectacular chestnut

    with a blonde flowing mane. The reflected light from the snow has

    filled in all the shadows beautifully.

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