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Posts posted by george_mazzetti1

  1. <p>I just purchased a 40~150 3.5~4.5 Oly zoom for my e620 and I would like to know if it will function on my camera. Will I lose any functions? I have not received the body. Please let me know asap.</p>

    <p>George Mazzetti</p>

  2. <p>I just bought an Olympus 4040 at a GoodWill store and it is in mint condition but I need a SmartMedia card for it. Where is the best place to shop for a 128mb card? Has anyone on this group ever used a 4040 or using one now that can comment on the good qualities of the camera. It has the 35mm f1.8~105mm f2.8 zoom lens.</p>

    <p>George Mazzetti</p>

  3. <p>Just received my CameraQuest adapter. Now I can use my old & new lenses on my E410. My lenses are: Oly 14-45, Oly 40-150, Nikon 50 1.8 Series E, Nikon 100 2.8 Series E, Nikon 180 2.8AF. I also use the Nikon SB20 flash on auto. I'm considering replacing the 14-45 with the Sigma 10-20 for 4/3 and the 40-150 with the OLy 70-300. The 81/2X11's Ive printed that were shot with the 180 and 50 1.8 are terrific. I'm going to try some 11x17's soon. Would you please comment on this outfit.<br>


  4. <p>Does the CameraQuest adapter allow IS on the E520? Does it allow focus confirmation? I plan to use my E Series Nikon lenses with my E410 but will purchase a E520. If there is no focus confirmation is manual focusing difficult? I have a 50 1.8 Serie E and the very sharp 100 2.8. I also would like to know if the FL 35r flash is powerful enough for all-around shooting or should I buy the Metz 48 series. Lastly, does the internal flash fire the 35r or does the body?</p>

    <p>Sorry for so many questions,<br>

    George Mazzetti</p>

  5. <p>I have am looking at a Leica 200mm f4.0 mounted on a Visoflex Housing which also has a VarioScopar with the rotating tripod mount. All are in very good condition. The lens is very clean inside with pristine glass. Can anyone give me a ballpark estimate of the value? I want to take the plunge into Leica again. This rig was on an M2 body, but someone beat me to it. I would like to purchase the lens and worry about a body later.</strong><br>


    Thanks in advance, </strong><br>

    George Mazzetti</strong></p>

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