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Image Comments posted by alexb_paris

  1. John, maybe you are right about it not having an importance (the very dark face) but I think it does effect the picture as a whole. I think the shades are too dark but it's not that important except on the man's face which is a central place in the picture. Anyhow, this is my point of view, I don't think it's a bout understanding or not. The scene is not that complicated to understand; I'm just telling you my view as this site is supposed to be a place where we share views (for the better not to critizice for the sake of it). Some members here _and I'm not insinuating you in particular_ appear to be here just to get praise and I think it's a shame. I wish too I had more critiques on my pictures rather than "wow great" (I dont always but sometimes) as this is why we are here.


    daring composition which breaks the "rules" quite well!! WHat is the black think at the top of the picture btw? I agree with emmanuel though about cropping the bottom bit, it's maybe a little too much of distraction


    I like it but on the other hand I feel it could be better.. maybe upwards or with more space around.. I'm not sure, just suggesting :)

    Human Farm.

    excellent idea abnd very well done! I like it a lot, I wish I could see this in bigger! the "green" at the bottom of the picture breaks a little the blue dominance, I can#'t figure out if it' s for the good or the less good.
  2. I don't think you need any tips for this picture, it's very good as it is. It has a lot of information but lets the viewer make his own story out it. Technically I don't think there is much to critique either (well I'm not technical expert so..) good good good!!

    WHAM, BAM...

    yes I agree the large view is much more impressive. I don't think though that it has anything to do with the picture itself and its composition but more to do with brightness; I find it a little too dark. Great scene and image though. I would be happy with myself had I shot this one :)


    yes less is more but I still think that keeping the leg was a good idea.. Also I'd like to know how the picture was before post processing. Anyhow the result is very interesting and beautifully executed. On top of including so successfully the leg (which might seem against the "rules" of photography but for this picture is I think key to the balance and putting into the context the rest of the shot) I like the details of what we can see of the face, especially the hair which make a kind of drawing and the exclusion of the eyes to add some mystery and minimalism..
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