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Image Comments posted by alexb_paris

  1. very strange this picture hasn't yet been commented on seeing how many numerous followers comment regularly on your creative pictures! I like for its creativity and simplicity. One little detail maybe , if you don't mind would be the green on the left hand side which I think is slightly distracting, details details I know :)


    refreshing shot :) I like the fact that you included the child, the fountain itself is interesting as quite unusual and the water falling nicely taken, fast shutter speed well used

    New Construction

    oh wow, what an enourmous amount of comments you have attracted here, but hey its one of your very best so no surprise here. It has a lot to offer not only the colours and the light obviously but the shapes and the precious window reflections and the background too which gives it a "bonus" layer.
  2. anotehr cool portrait but this one I think is slightly too photoshopped and two details: the head slightly cut-off and the red part of the sock.. OK I hope you don't see any bad in my crtitiques, I woouldn't have bothered if I hadn't liked it in the first place! I think it's truely good!


    very original and successful portrait! OK I'm not an expert in portraits but I've seen so many and it's always nice to see something different, the lighting here but also the pose and the colors.. cool result

    LaSalle Falls

    well done Joseph, this picture is fantastic in termms of mix of colors and lights, it seems it was shot from within and therefore adds to the complexity of the perspective. I usually find shots of fall very beautiful but also very boring as so many have been done over and over but somehow this one is truely original surely for the different layers of colors and as I said the perspective.. (I'll rate it accordingly as soon as "they" let me..)

    dont loose it...

    when I first saw this picture, it reminded me of the "Miss America for kids" show.. the show in which parents try to transform their little kids into women they are not (yet). "Try not to lo(o)se it?" Well what does she know about love, she's just a kid! :) The PS work is quite good but the picture doesn't work well for me as a whole maybe more because I don't like the idea.. It's more pleasant than the previous PoW but another choice I don't quite understand. Regarding small details, the hands are a little of a problem in terms of proportions but also the dark area at the top right corner I think should be cropped off. Anyhow, the choice of this picture, all in all, is again about rewarding the merits of post-processing more than creativity, originality and technical aspects... (I think)

    Paint the Seconds

    interesting work... could mean so many things.. I haven't read the comments to keep my own interpretation. I wish I was more imaginative/PS skilled to make such images, I think it's very stimulating and a different way of looking at photography and can surely help in finding even more creativity while taking "normal" pictures.
  3. yeah I agree, the idea of cropping was an idea and it was a good one that I considered myself when I first saw this picture. True this one doesn't really work but you got to give a chance to suggestions, that' s what this web site is for, and not impose your point of view, everyone is allowed to say what he wants as long as it's just suggesting!


    Actually talking about cropping this photoI think that if you want to crop it you should crop it much more and not half way.. maybe above the arms rather than cutting the legs :)


    For this picture, the result yes is cool, I like the lines, it's a great idea. However the pleasure doesn't last very long. The woman to be honest I think doesn't suit well with the rest of the picture.I can't quite put the finger of what I think is distracting.. maybe the colors or the light, maybe the dull shape but I feel there is something wrong. I would love to hear more about how much post processing was done on the lines. For me it's a cool effect but it looks too unreal and therefore too manipulated and it doesn't go well with the "normal" woman. Even if it wasn't manipulated that much which I doubt, I still don't think it's well balanced.
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