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jerry cabluck

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Posts posted by jerry cabluck

  1. There is a new shop on the west side of Ft.Worth. Ft.Worth Photo Shop slim to no pickins. I live close and go by often. The one in Arlington, the owners collect Leicas. They have on display the old f.95 one shot I can't think of the name cameras. I think Weegee used it. I kinda remember an old photo of a shooter using it.
  2. Andy

    I don't think a Leica user at that time (1965)could bash the product. Again I say user, the quality was there in the SL. The negative was it couldn't produce like a Nikon/w motor. But the Nikon jammed frequently, at least mine did, so you missed the shot. With Leica precision the SL worked and even better there was only 5 or 6 frames to pick from rather than 36 to edit. The 1965 180/2.8 was and still is a great lens. The 2 SL Mots for sports with the 180 and 250 solid. And then the rest of the camera industry brought their quality up the these standards. Leica should have made an SL3 and then an SL4.

  3. I went by this morning and looked at some M equipment all mostly in

    original boxes with papers. I wrote down the Number of the M-4-P

    #1532838 this number dosen't match my Hove book and Ghester Sartorius

    book. GS book numbers are from 1,468,001-1,533,350 and Hove says it

    is 1980 M-4-2. Again the body clearly says M4P, the boday is in 9+ no

    signs of tampering. Thanks in advance


  4. This is the 40th response. Over my 30+ years as a professional I used mostly Leicas and some other 35mm cameras, I have always came back to the best. A short story about a football game, the year 1965 I was a tag-along with the Dallas Associated Press. I went to the famous Arkansas/Texas Shootout in Arkansas. Of course the experienced photogs were to be in the right places. After the cold wet miserable day with madness and other crazeys around. Cameras soaked wet, lenses fogged up, my one and only Leicaflex SL with 180/2.8 delivered. Out of 20 transmitted that day 13 were made with the SL & 180. When I saw the processed film hanging up in the makeshift lab that night with a 60 watt light with all the other negatives shot by other cameras, I noticed something I have never forgotten the quality of my film and then I saw the prints transmitted and just couldn't believe the difference. Camera is retired and 180 still works today. Thanks for the question.
  5. I remember newspaper photographer at the old Dallas Times Herald named Mack Long used one. I played with it a couple times, how you focused it to me was very backward or weird or slow or ? it just didn't work for me so I bought my first M2. Mack used it for years. Bob Jackson also Dallas Times Herald who shot the Oswald photo if I'm not mistakened used one of these for that shot. I also remember the lens coupling was not a good design, even for that time I think lenses could come off easily. With all said wish I had one stashed away in my closet.
  6. Robert

    As I have said in the MP vs M6 the M5 is a very good camera. Cameras take on a personality #1200006 first one and I thought what a mistake, until I used in low light and ran my finger to change speeds. Yes you can do that with others but you can tweek the exposure any way you want. I have a 2 and 3 lug the only thing about this is how it hangs on your shoulder. Tow lug around your neck...yuk. Ernest (I forgot his last name) super repair man at Rockleigh broke one down and checked out in less than I could drink a DrPepper at the 84 Olympics. Back to the personality of a camera, when you know be it (the camera) what ever brand you know what the camera will do. And you know the reswults before you see the processed film, especially Chromes. Now I just wish they were Chrome bodies.

  7. Pete

    I see you use M5, my opinion at the time it was brought out was and is a very good product. Presently I have two and prefer them over others, but again my thats only my preference. The meter, film winder crank. The loading left some thought but you always know if the film is loaded. Well anyhow I believe when you have something good be it any Leica RF use it. Whichever Leica used, its the best. Well thats my .02 worth.

  8. Pete

    I see you use M5, my opinion at the time it was brought out was and is a very good product. Presently I have two and prefer them over others, but again my thats only my preference. The meter, film winder crank. The loading left some thought but you always know if the film is loaded. Well anyhow I believe when you have something good be it any Leica RF use it. The 3 luged one is the best. Whichever Leica used, its the best. Well thats my .02 worth.

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