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jerry cabluck

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Posts posted by jerry cabluck

  1. Interesting, thats what my plans this winter in Texas are. Try to figure out what to do with 30 years of advertising, photojournalism, pr and personal shots. They fill up three, five drawer filing cabinets. Most are and will be tossed out. The BW for silver, not worth the trouble. I would say enough keepers that would sell as stock (with an honest agency)Sone shots for history (I guess). Sports, is everyone tired of Dallas's football team yet, as I am?? Kennedy (11-22-63) by the time I'm long gone to Heaven they will finally admit it was a conspiracy. And just Well anyway this is not a downer. I guess the local college if they want, sharing pix on net, you loose ownership pertty fast. I think very soon film will be as the 8 track tapes. And the one hour lab will be scarce. The collector Lecias will become even more valuable, the users will go the wayside as the 57 chev or the T-birds. People will personalize or customize. Again no downer in this reply I guess you caught me thinking what to do with 600 lbs of stuff and diet is a thought. I have enjoyed reading many of the posts this year you learners don't worry agout the small stuff and go out and take photos,,,,good photos. And being picky about equipment all Leica's are good---very good. Think, they were the very best at the time the camera or lens was made. Can you say that about a 50 year old something else. Tri-x and D-76(1:1) and summicron or summilux or elmar perfect combination. Focomat enlarger the best.......Well I ramble to much. It's MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. Jerry
  2. I used R4, R4s and R4sp for many years w/ and wo motors sports etc and they all worked find for me. Glass 280 2.8 on down to the 15 leitz I could alway see the quality. Even the 16 made in Japan is good. I'm sure other different answers will abound. There is a difference in quality and being sloppy. As in processing, printing how you handle equipment. Using a tripod or a unipod at slow speeds knowing the "best" f stop matched with the "best" film for the situtation. Using the "best" polo filter when needing one and or course knowing when you need the filter. Experience is the "best" with any and all types of equipment. I have noticed machine labs are the leveling factor meaning you can use any brand of anything and expect anything from them. So find a good lab or do your own. Well again thats my two or four cents.
  3. Matt

    The freelance business was very good in my area....15-25 years ago.. and now everyone with a camera wants or thinks he/she wants this. Find out what you want to do, be it photography or making widgets or ??? Then don't look back and plan and get to know people in the industry. Visit one on one not necessarly other photographers, but editors, writers (dreaded shall I say PR or even advertising people). And after 5-10 years you will be busy shooting the "assignments". Just remember that someone is right behind you wanting your job.

    I come to this, other professions are not as competative as freelance photojournalism. And pay for many other jobs/talents/professions pay is better. Yes I would do it all the same again but try not be as stressed as before.


  4. Mitch

    I started out with a M-2, cost factor at the time. M2 you need to set the film counter. M2 you don't need the eyes for the lenses as you need on the M3. They are both great. I've been checking out Ebuy and thought about buying some heavy used M2 and having DAG redo. There is s couple 2's for sale or even buy an M1 and have the optics installed. Even to redoing the leather....Bright RED or GREEN or Rattlesnake or DENIM to match my boots. Just kinda kidding. Buy what you can get a good normal lens and have fun or make money, or both.

  5. I did that about 20 years ago, did it for a national sports mag..and they used a shot or two. The P51 was the North American one out of somewhere in California and it was a airshow in Texas. I was about 20-26" from the back of the pilot, M-2 w/21 (24,28 would be ok)watch for shots when the planes move up or down or the wing pitches. Carry in a couple paper towels make sure the glass is clean. If you can and if you have time take a polo filter, but I would only us it after you have shot without it, this would need on the time of day and other factors which would come into play that day. Take a 90 attached to another camera if you can. Contact me and I'll dig out some shots. Really the most inportant thing to take is at least one pair of ear plugs, my ears rang for a week from the sound. That day I also road in a T-6 air race and alomet jumped, but chickened out. I think the P51 crashed a month or so after that in LA show. I don't remember the details. It was the ride of my life and would do it again. The paper towels are for another reason also, you will figure that out if you need them.
  6. Today is just after the fact.


    Try courtroom photography at that time with a SLR as with a M Leica. Which would you choose. Even more, try to get into a courroom at that time and try to explain to the judge the sound of cameras and how quite Leicas are.


    The meter in a M body with mixing natural light with fill flash just the best and then with the M5 so easy. And of course Leitz lens quality.


    M5 still the best and I still have four of them.

  7. Steve

    Trying not to get into an agrument. (I'm sure I will though) I don't see any other country welcoming people as America does. Something about "Give me yur poor, homeless, etc............


    Well, Leica cameras are the best in any model and made by excellent crafts people. I perfer M5 with a worn out 50 Noctilux and then SL2 mot w/180 over many years made a nice living. Now with spare time on my hands its helping feed people in my community. We wrap ourselves around the bible and the flag and serve 2,000+ lbs of food each week to those in need. Steve, thanks for asking


    p.s. Steve think about your community it might need help.

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