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jerry cabluck

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Posts posted by jerry cabluck

  1. It's great that people still appreciate quality. Some years ago I had a great contact with Leitz at Rockleigh. Really neat guy some of you might have known him, Walter Heun. Well anyway he would ship me stuff from the pool they had there. Most of the stuff (lenses and bodies) was from the photojournalist camera pool they had there. One time he sent me a Noct f1.2 and asked me to use for a while, it was and is the best that the elves ever produced. Well about well over a year or so I get a letter..really knowing its something about the Noc lens..and also feeling guilty about keeping it so long etc...So I open the bill and see the amount they wanted for it. WOW 300.00 I fired the check off that same day. This lens, I know did time in Vietnam and other places. I have used it for annual report photos and many other "special" type photos. It has produced where only the large f stop would help. I used it with an M5 and also the 35mm summilux and the quality difference is something. The front element has superficial damage, it looks like something bounced off the element about 3mm. I have watched the prices of the 1.2 on ebay and my value of this lens is far more than what the 4 or 5 lenses that have been sold. A couple months ago I sold a f1 on ebuy for 1800. In my opinion they are totaly different lenses. I was told from Walter that at the time only 6 lenses were produced yearly and another time he mentioned that the man that was over QC retired and his passion was to produce or make these lenses so good. Thanks
  2. FWIW I used M5's, two of them for over 15 years as a pro and very seldom had to change batteries. I would suggest changing twelve months or so. I sold one of the M5s with the air type battery and It was working for me over six months. (I have two more M5s FS) Great cameras even better that other Ms. Of course many will disagree!!
  3. Andy here is my 02$ worth, I have the 15 through 28 they all are very good lenses., The 15 in my opinion is excellent for all the right reasons for architecture and for interior room great. When you use the 15 then the 21 and 28 become a secondary lens if not useless. Borrow or rent one and try it. Ebuy has had a couple of 15's last month or so, one will popup. I a 21 is up for sale. Your 90, 135 and 180 f4 are very good people lenses..How do you like the R7 I have one and haven't used it, its still in the box?
  4. For what's its worth I really got discouraged, no ticked off at the photographers on the sidelines of a football game, or most any other event. At the prices they/we were paid to promote the high priced jocks. Well I did that for a number of years and noticed the rate of pay for "Working the games" did not increse as the rate of pay pro players were pulling in. This is not a gripe, because my decision was to remove myself from this PR photography. There are ways to do this type work and get paid a good price. My .02 centw worth
  5. Bob

    I live in Ft.Worth many years, the only one I deal with is Ft. Worth Camera on West 7th near the museums. They have used Leicas, Nikons, Hasselblads and more. A very good dealer. BTW I am selling many of my collector and user M and R items as I see people needing the item. I am at jcabluck@swbell.net

  6. Sorry to come in so late I will miss Sal, his Christmas cards and his notes. I knew Sal through my brother Harry. Sal came down to Ft.Worth when the Amon Carter Museum had a showing of Carl Mydens photographs. Many other notable photogs where that weekend. John Durniak, Arnold Drapkin, some of the Black Star, SI and Time shooters. What a nice time to be around and hear about the demands of the craft. I would see Sal in New York and in Pittsburgh (visiting brother Harry there)a class man and pro. Many good thoughts of him. Just a fine dear friend and I will miss him.
  7. For 35 years a professional, seen many of life's ups and downs and wouldn't trade any of it for anything. Have met many role models and a lot of jerks--that worked in front as well as behind the camera. My belief on payment is "If you are a pro you should be paid as a pro". For instance the day Kenneday died I saw many local pros help many of the "Washington elete because of the common goals" I don't see that anymore. This is a friendly conversation over the internet and it should stay that way we all have our love for creating--so it be a newsphoto a pr shot an ad or still life that caused us to like the image. some of us worked a flood, and saw homes destroyed..plane crash es and bodies, auto accidents and bobies, a perfect studio shot of a car, bottle of something to be sold, am executive head shot, or underwater shot of beautiful fish by a coral reef or the interior of a new 767 for an ad. all in all when the photo shoot was over we looked back and we knew we did the best we could do-----for payment or for the love of the photograph. Be it in a national pub or sitting on a desk.
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