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Image Comments posted by jimknowles

  1. I know I'll be viewed as a pariah for saying this - but feel someone should say something a little more critical.


    While the two women are clearly having fun, and it's clear they felt comfortable enough in front of your camera, it's really not a big deal to find women horsing around at a photo shoot. What the picture doesn't tell us anything about is why they were having this picture made in the first place. (not that it's important, in that they are not really "doing" anything; but rather, simply cutting up a little.)


    They could be sisters (similar hair styles, similar eyes, noses, mouths, skin, arm shape,and smiles) The one in the rear is holding her left arm up behind the other's back so as not to get too close (leastways, that's not a natural place to put her left arm) - at the same time she's sticking her tongue out with an awareness of the camera, yet not really touching the other's ear with it.


    I'd guess they're sisters.


    Having said all that - this is a FUN picture, and the expressions on their faces is precious.


    Since I haven't been around p.net but two months, hope you'll not take my critique too critically?


    Were you noticing the depth of field here? Is this about shooting macros? Light meter seems to have overexposed a bit. Okay shot of a flower. I do like the composition - perfect framing.

    Sum of their parts?


    Good job putting all those images together - assuming, of course, that is what you've done here? (Can't tell from lack of info available via "critique request" page.)


    Can yo imagine doing this with a set of mural sized prints?

    Who is who


    Yuri - this image reminds of anxiety, pain, and doubt. (or what's it's like to get something stuck in your eye after a shower ; )


    Seriously - the components of this picture are exquisite. Hands, face, glass / mirror w/ fog, lighting, exposure, background - all come together for a powerful look at the frailty of man.


    Groovin' on your work - will be looking for more of it.

  2. "oooooh, wow, dude - i get it now - it's upside down!"


    I happen to be a big fan of abstracts, and those which have movement as part of the compositional elements. Of course, the image must create some movement in me as well, if I'm to like it. I think what I like most about this image is that it impels me to use my imagination to view it.


    This LOOK you've got going here simply rocks! Your lighting is outstanding - dig the double exposure thing happening here as well. Lovely model - and the window placement brings my right into the picture. Love your work!
  3. It's like - a forest - of little fluffy things, kinda, sorta. Eye catching, what if you back lit them? Or were you dreaming of the fairway at the masters when you set this up? Fun stuff, Bob.

    N I P P L Y

    you all know girls get cold easily? and let's face it, ESPECIALLY when they have, like, 2% body fat and no clothes on! But don't feel sorry for her - SHEESH! - it was a balmy October sunset in Malibu on the beach - and she was having a great time titalating the crowd!

    ...... 56 .

    Truly one of the most sensual and sexy photos I've seen on p.net. The color in the lips and eyes creates a live effect, as if she were sitting ( or lying down ) right in front of me! The lighting is gorgeous - the catchlight in her left eye (screen right) and on the upper lid and cheek bone combined with the way she's looking right into the camera make me want to kiss the screen! WELL DONE! So real and yet so far. Tantalizing.
  4. Truly! You did a spectacular job here capturing a scenic that might otherwise be construed as mundane. This is a perfect scene for IR. Great job on the sky and clouds as well! Those puffy trees and fluffy clouds combined with the vast field of grasses intersected by the lake give this image the classic dream like quality IR was made for!

    Tulip Petal


    Delicate and rich colors here, love the beautiful soft highlights on the curves of the petal. Not exactly groovin' on the shadows from the light source falling on the background - perhaps they could be softened to blend in more as the front most shadow is here?




    Lovely and well made pretty picture of a tuplip petal.


    Love that Sheesh thing, bro!

    Emerald Wave

    Big fan of movement in stills - especially when done in camera! I know some people don't get it sometimes, but bro, I love it! Beautiful light, can almost feel the ocean mist. Great thing about photography - when you're willing to hang ten, sometimes you catch a good ride!



    ... "SARS" ...


    Dig the "look" of this film. Might work better with some light beneath both subject and mask, don't you think? Would give this scary subject the "scary movie" look. Totally groovin' on the tonality of this film. Lit just a tad from below I think you'd have a magazine cover here. Very Well Done!


    This guy has such an interesting face, it would have been worth $ to get him to pose, or at least be patient whilst you shot more. Love to see more and varied expressions and angles. Lighting works here, but would be improved muchly by "burning down" or cloning out some of the distracting white lights in background, especially the two lights on either side of his ears which are bisected by the frame - these I find terribly distracting. I could see just shooting a tight shot of his eyes and hair as a horizontal. Powerful.

    El árbol

    Beautiful scene. But it's the lonsome tree that pulls me into this photo. I usually do not like middle of the day scenics, but this one is quite nice.
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