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Image Comments posted by jimknowles


    Gee - If I give high ratings to images I think deserve them, even if from the same photographer, does that mean the a/n will come after me? Hope not. Because this work is truly beautiful. Are they all shot with large format? (Sorry, haven't had time to dig deeply into your technical stuff yet. Promise I'll look it up later when I have time.) For now, though - suffice it to say, these images of flowers are NOT "just another flower picture"!!!


    These flower images rock. All of 'em. If you haven't had a gallery show yet, you might look into it. If you have, I'd like to hear how well it went. I also think you'd benefit greatly by entering these in Communication ARTS magazine - they have an annual competition, the most prestigious in the world. I bet you have a shot at getting some great exposure there! (no pun intendend : - )
  1. This is the only image from Robert's folder which was exposed in such a way as

    to give such "an astounding range of tonal values" - in other words, this frame

    was either overexposed or all the other's were. Depends on how they were

    scanned. Either way, his frame number 584396 is a vastly superior PJ image.

    What really surprises me is how so many have chosen to

    go along with the party line here. I'm beginning to believe that's what most

    people here want? Or maybe everyone is simply getting tired of looking at pretty

    landscapes and goofy faces? Congratulations Robert! I'd give you POW just for

    having been there. If you get a chance, re-scan image number 584396. That's

    the real winner!


    Like the elegant simplicity of this shot. Also dig the way the canoe breaks up the light and dark water. The detail of the woodgrain inside on the oars is exceptional.

    Sky and Adobe

    Very well done. Can feel the texture of the Adobe and feel the sand particles in the wind. Groovin on the way the sky & clouds line up with the three corners of the Adobe tower.


    This could be cropped a bit down from the top, don't you think? Nevertheless, it looks as if it would make an excellent silver print - one I'd be happy to own. Gorgeous figure study! Well done!


    What they said & more: Fantastic model. Aren't you the lucky one, then? I would suggest getting a portrait lens sometime if you can - might be a lot sharper, and give you more control of depth of field. But here the lens you used works well. Not as sharp as could be, but that's no biggie. Really a stunning image. Thank you!
  2. No doubt about it - this is what is known in the magazine biz as a GRABBER. It's a winner just as it is. First time I looked at it I almost fell into the trap of analysing it - as if I could control the situation. Hey, it's a kid watching fish. But does this picture evoke what it's like to be there with him? You bet. Good job!


    First impression from the thumbnail was EXCELLENT! As soon as I saw the larger version I noticed it was awfully soft (focus/sharpness) and chalked it up to the tokina. Love the mood, lighting is wonderful (that the catchlights are painted in does diminish this compliment a bit). Do this again with a real model! Great composition and love the background! That this would have fooled almost anyone - and may indeed still turn out to be a real model - speaks to the difference between viewing images on a monitor and viewing a print. Something to think about? Nevertheless, a real eye catcher.
  3. Can feel the warm water, hear the waves, smell the perfume of the tropics and look forward to a great big seafood dinner! Aaaaaaaah. Let's face it, it's not exactly original - but who cares! Hope you sell tons of prints!
  4. I love most of your pictures. It does puzzle me why, in this particular photo, you chose to crop it to leave in the foreground. Your work reminds me very much of Pete Turner's work. Clean, colorful, simple but elegant compostions, striking imagery. Keep these wonderful images coming!


    This is a real stopper! Truly a visual feast! Thank you for sharing this Extra 0rdinary image - just goes to show there's always a new way to see ordinary things.
  5. What a wonderfully tight figure study. Superb. As gorgeous as this looks on my old monitor, I'd love to own a copy, it must be stunning as a silver gelatine print. Love the V thing you have happening with this photograph. Zone 6 skin tone / pure white rope / texture / composition - kudos to your model as well!

    the age

    This is such an excellent photograph it is absolutely irrelevant what you title it! I look at this photo and wish I had a print. The best part of the photo, besides the fabulous way you captured all three men hunched over - besides the perfect lighting circumstances - not to mention the wonderful texture of the sweaters, hair, and skin - and let's not forget the amazing alignment of the ears, heads, and juxtaposition of the hands - where was I? Oh yes, the viewer's imagination!!! the viewer can IMAGINE anything they want about this photograph! So many different stories, varied emotions and experiences in this photo - it just not matter one whit what you title it. I title it DOUBLE 7's!
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