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Image Comments posted by michael_brown6

    Glen Orchy River


    Guys, I hear you both. Looks like a return trip is on the books then. I have included a crop of the shot whith what you are saying, but you want more detail further down too yes?


    Glen Orchy River

    No I'm not tired of your comments! Don't you think that the image needs the variation and detail to the right. It's a nice variation, the fast water to the left, the still to the right, the blue grey of the water to the left, the green to the right? Thanks for your comments!!!
  1. Bridget, much better than the first one. The lonely guy gives the shot the perspective it deserves. I like how the countour of the rocks against the sky almost mirrors the countour of the rocks with the water. Got to love Italy!!!



    Eddie, This is a great shot, and if it is your first attempt at sunrises, it's an excellent shot.


    One piece of kit that you definitely need in your bag if you are going to do sunrise and sunset shots are graduated ND filters to hold back the sky. You may have used one here (Didn't look before I started to type) but a hard grad would allow extra exposure to bring out the foreground, while not letting the sky to burn out. Not such an issue with this shot as you had cloud to help, but still a nice shot all the same. Don't be afraid to get some before the sun pops it's head over the horizon either.


    Amazing light, however the right strap is a little distracting, but in no way ruins wha is a great shot. Nice level of light reaching her eyes too.
  2. John, again a great shot. Love the rock in the foreground, and how the light has caughts that one branch in the centre of frame, with the rest darker, but you saw this too that's why you took it!! Nice level of movement in the water, looks around 5-6 secs? I bet the chrome looks great.

    Violin 2

    Bridget, simply stunning. The composition is sensational, and the black background makes the shot. I notice that you have taken a shot ot two of the hungerford bridge at Waterloo. I live a 2 minute walk from here, and I shoot a lot os sunsets down at westminster. Would be great to shoot some film with you sometime.
  3. Henri


    This is my favourite of your scottish portfolio. Beautiful composition and amazing mosses, beautiful greens. You were very fortunate that it was a dull day. It is much better to shoot these scenes in overcast light to prevent harsh shadows and therefore unforgiving contrasts. Nice movement in the water. Nice all over. Thankyou also for your kind words of my photos!!. Well Done.

  4. There's something about snow scenes that are so calming. I love that you are above the cloud line and there's blue sky above. It's always difficult to stop big areas of snow blowing out, which is the only thing that detracts from the picture. Next time you are out, try metering off the snow, and then off different subjects (sky, cloud tree) and see the difference in the readings that the camera returns. You will then be able to see what the range of light will be, and then knowing what lattitude your film can hold in detail, you will know what to meter off to get a middle point reading. Have a look in my 35mm folder, I also have a nice mountain shot that has blown out in areas of sun on snow.
  5. I have been looking at this shot for 3 minutes trying to gauge if you are 2 meters, or 200 meters away from the subject. I like the fact that the perspective is ambiguous, but I know that I love the colours. Nice composition too.

    Fall water.

    John, love your Xpan work. This one is beautifully exposed and composed. Who cares if the leaves were placed there or not. I love it.

    Morning Trail

    Nice shot and crop. However, you may have liked to mask off the road when you popped the greens (unless the white lines are green where this shot was taken.) I like the solitary tree too.
  6. Much better scaled to grey. Beautiful place, and nice composition, although a touch more sky may have improved the balance? I agree with a couple of comments above that the outcrop to the left is a lttle too dark for the amount of space it occupies in the frame. I like the fact that you are above the mist/cloud, it gives that feeling that you are at a significant altitude.
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